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有多少人知道,在现代社会占据着举足轻重地位的仪器仪表行业是国内目前相对比较落后、50%以上产品需要进口的行业.当记者采访新时代仪器设备开发公司总经理王录先生时,听到这一情况深感震动.“我们公司的宗旨就是要充分发挥国防科技人才、技术、成果方面的优势,促进我国仪器设备的产业化、商品化、国产化,推动军工技术向民用转移,面向国防建设和国民经济建设.面向国内市场和国际市场,开发经营高新技术产品,努力扭转仪器行业依靠进口的局面”.身为中国计量协会第一届理事会常务理事副理事长的王录总经理介绍说,新时代公司是国防科工委投资创办的唯一一家仪器公司,成立于小平同志南巡讲话之后,主要从事计量仪器设备的研制与开发.目前公司虽处于创业阶段,但与国防科研单位、大专院校,特别是与国防计量技术机构关系密切,资金雄厚,人员素质高、科研成果多是公司的最大优势.公司成立之初,就瞄准了创办技术经济实体,开发一系列填补国内外空白的新产品,成为技工贸一体化现代企业这样的远大目标. How many people know that the instrumentation industry, which plays an important role in modern society, is an industry that is currently relatively backward and more than 50% of products need to be imported. When a reporter interviewed Mr. Wang Lu, general manager of the new era instrument and equipment development company, he heard that This situation was deeply shaken. “Our company’s aim is to give full play to the strengths of national defense science and technology personnel, technology, and achievements, to promote the industrialization, commercialization, and localization of China’s instrumentation and equipment, and to promote the transfer of military technology to civilian use, and to the defense industry.” Construction and national economic construction. Develop and operate high-tech products for the domestic market and international market, and strive to reverse the situation in which the instrument industry relies on imports.” was introduced by General Manager Wang Lu, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the China Metrology Association. Said that the New Era Company was the only instrument company invested by the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and founded after Comrade Xiaoping spoke at the South Tour. It was mainly engaged in the research and development of measuring instruments and equipment. Although the company is currently in the pioneering stage, it is in cooperation with national defense scientific research units. Colleges and universities, especially those related to national defense measurement technology institutions, are well-funded and people The high quality of personnel and scientific research results are the greatest advantages of the company. At the beginning of the establishment of the company, it aimed at establishing a technical and economic entity, developing a series of new products to fill gaps at home and abroad, and becoming a ambitious target for the integration of technology, industry, trade and modern enterprises.
全国连续法聚丙烯(PP)生产技术交流会于1995年5月9~12日在洛阳召开.参加会议的有中国石化总公司生产部、发展部、规划院以及 PP 生产厂、科研院(所)、催化剂、助剂生产厂共30
在青岛举行的第八届全国发明展览会上,辽宁本溪市草帘缝纫机厂刘柏林发明的LBLC-1型草帘缝纫机,获得了该届全国发明展览会铜牌奖和最佳新产品奖。 At the Eighth National
著名美国网络超级服务器厂商NetFRAME与电子部华录集团不久前在北京举办了网络技术研讨会。电子工业部工业司司长出席此会,NetFRAME公司亚太总裁Michael J.Conley到会并讲了
乙炔是由电石和水反应而生成,我国每年用于生产溶解乙炔的电石耗量约40万吨,占电石总虽的20%,生产该数量电石耗焦炭28.8万吨、电16亿千瓦时,其能源消耗相当大。 Acetylene