情满于山川 意溢于江河

来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arllar
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《花本盆景》一九九三年第六期,在彩色插页中向读者推出十五幅山水盆景作品,虽不全是名家之作,但集祖国东西南北之大成,当然表现风格迥异,再现江河山川风貌,各具风采。这里就笔者偏爱的几幅作品浅析其艺术特色。《两岸青山相对出》,布局手法较为新颖,一改过去及当前较多采用的主客峰及群峰矗立的布局章法,以两块石料作山峰(略有主次分居右左两侧),面壁而立,崖面悬垂而雄峻,峰峦起伏变化自然,高山、断崖、绝壁生势险要,两山峡水之处一片白帆,山与水相连之处的「水渍线」更平添了那份江河潮涨潮落沧海桑田之意境,再现了唐朝豪放派大诗人李白的「天门中断楚江开,碧水东流至此回。两岸青山相对出,孤帆一片日边来」之意境。左侧峰略薄了点,透视的立体效果稍逊色于右侧,峡江之处水流偏急,而盆中的水里有倒影,就显得静有余而动不足了。《极目仰止》整体乃高远与深远相结合之作,表现作者匠心独运。主客峰各居左右,左侧主峰气势雄险而群峰紧密相连,重重迭迭,临水逶迤屈曲流转,峡江相望左侧峰与主峰及群峰有机地组合。 “Flower bonsai” The third issue in 1993, in the color insert to the reader introduced fifteen landscape bonsai works, though not all is made by masters, but the culmination of the motherland from east to west, north and south, of course, the performance of different styles, reproduce the river Mountain style, each with style. Here I analyze some of the artist’s favorite works of art. “Cross-Strait relative to the green,” the layout of the more novel approach, a change in the past and the current use of the main peak of the peak and the peak of the layout of the Constitution, with two stone peaks (slightly separated from the right and left sides of the primary and secondary), standing wall , The precipice dangles while the majestic, undulating ridges and peaks change naturally, mountains, cliffs, cliffs are in danger, a white sails at the two gorges, mountains and water at the junction of the “Waterlogging Line” added to the share of the river tide tide The mood of falling into the sea and the mulberry fields reproduces the conception of “the heavenly gate interrupting Chu Jiangkai and the clear water eastward flows to this point.” The left side of the peak is a bit thin, the perspective of the less stereoscopic effect on the right side of the Xiajiang Department where the water flow, while the basin of water reflection, it seems quiet and not enough. “Picking up” is the overall lofty and far-reaching combination of the performance of the author imaginative. The main peak is about every home, the left main peak is extremely dangerous and the peaks are closely linked, numerous and overlapping, with stagnant water and stagnant flow. The left and right peaks of the Xiajiang River and the main peak and Qunfeng organic combination.
泥石流是山区发生的一种物理地质现象,即含有大量泥砂石块等固体物质的特殊洪流,突然爆发,历时短暂,来势凶猛,具有强大的破坏力,对桥梁、道路以及农田、村镇危害很大。 Debr
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