《琵琶行》是情景交融的传世名篇。全诗五次写到“月”,除“秋月春风等闲度”、“春江花朝秋月夜”是一般叙述外,其他三处写月都是重要的景物描写。虽然每次都是简单一句,并未着意描述月色,但其艺术放果是绝不能忽视的。下面分别谈谈: 醉不成欢惨将别,别时茫茫江浸月。作者在江州谪居二年,孤寂无聊。在这种失势的情况下,来访的朋友定是真正的知己。因而见面时定会感慨万端,倾吐心中的积郁,临别时定然依依不舍,虽登船饯行也不会是开
“Liang Xing” is a famous masterpiece of scene blending. The entire poem is written five times to the “month”. Except for “Spring Moon and Spring Breeze” and “Spring Moon Night,” it is a general description. The other three months of writing are important scene descriptions. Although each time it is a simple sentence and does not focus on describing the moonlight, its artistic output cannot be ignored. Let’s talk about the following: Drunk will not be miserable. The author lived in Jiangzhou for two years and was lonely and bored. In this situation of losing power, visiting friends will be true confidants. Therefore, when you meet, you will be filled with emotions, and you will pour into your heart. When you say goodbye, you will be reluctant to leave.