New construction for expert system based on innovative knowledge discovery technology

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilianmm
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Knowledge acquisition is the bottleneck of expert system. To solve this problem, KD (D&K), which is a comprehensive knowledge discovery process model cooper- ating both database and knowledge base, and related technology are proposed. Then based on KD (D&K) and related technology, the new construction of Expert System based on Knowledge Discovery (ESKD) is proposed. As the key knowledge acquisition component of ESKD, KD (D&K) is composed of KDD* and KDK*. KDD*- the new process model based on double bases cooperating mechanism; KDK*- the new process model based on double-basis fusion mechanism are introduced, respectively. The overall framework of ESKD is proposed. Some sub-systems and dynamic knowledge base system are discussed. Finally, the effectiveness and ad- vantages of ESKD are tested in a real-world agriculture database. We hope that ESKD may be useful for the new generation of expert systems. Knowledge acquisition is the bottleneck of expert system. KD (D & K), which is a comprehensive knowledge discovery process model cooper- ating both database and knowledge base, and related technology are proposed. Then based on KD (D & K) and related technology, the new construction of Expert System based on Knowledge Discovery (ESKD) is proposed. As the key knowledge acquisition component of ESKD, KD (D & K) is composed of KDD * and KDK * double base cooperating mechanism; KDK * - the new process model based on double-basis fusion mechanism are introduced, respectively. The overall framework of ESKD is proposed. Some sub-systems and dynamic knowledge base system are discussed. - vantages of ESKD were tested in a real-world agriculture database. We hope that ESKD may be useful for the new generation of expert systems.
一、破碎、粉碎设备与测定仪  名 称型 号进 料出 料能力备 注密封锤式破碎缩分机 MZW-2 5 0× 36 0 -15 0 mm -3~ 13mm 110 0~ 180 0 kg/h 缩分比 1∶ 8密封锤式破碎机