新年伊始 新的服务

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1992年已悄然走来,农历壬申年也接踵而至,一年一度又春回大地。我国报纸的百花园里又添了不少新花。当年历翻过时,全国报纸已达1600种了。管理就是服务。去年我们为大家作了哪些服务工作呢?一是公布了一个《报纸管理暂行规定》,这是建国以来报纸行政管理方面的第一个基本法规;二是对所有的报纸进行了重新换证,并编写了《中国报纸概览》、《报纸管理手册(法规、政策、名录)》, 1992 has come quietly, the Lunar New Year is also followed by Ren Shen, once a year spring back to the earth. There are many new flowers in the hundred garden of our newspaper. When the calendar turns over, the national newspapers have reached 1600 kinds. Management is service. What service did we make to all of you last year? First, we published a “Provisional Regulations on the Management of Newspapers,” the first basic law and regulation on newspaper administration since the founding of the People’s Republic. The second is that all newspapers have been renewed, And prepared the “Chinese newspaper overview”, “newspaper management manual (regulations, policies, directory)”,
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