
来源 :中国城乡企业卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttgxa
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目的通过农村普查,了解天津市近郊农村妇女的生殖行为、生育状态与生殖器疾病的关系,寻找妇女生殖器疾病的危害因素及保护性因素。方法制定问卷的内容及应检查的项目。包括妇科的查体、超声检查、实验室的检查项目、与我区计划生育生殖中心联合,利用每年春、秋为妇女普查之际,课题组派出人员实施所设定的项目,先后对十二个村已婚妇女进行问卷及检查,共计3000人次,将问卷及检查的结果予以登记,并进行统计学处理。结果生殖道感染总的检出率为38.1%;宫颈刮片结果正常占79.1%,炎症占18.6%,CIN1占1.9%;生殖道感染中阴道分泌物增多占23.8%、有异味占9.9%、搔痒占1.3%、腹痛占0.8%;有人流史、药流史、人流+药流史及无流产史者生殖道炎症的检出率分别为44.5%、32.7%、44.2%、26.2%;未上环的妇女阴道清洁度正常者占62.7%、安放带尾丝节育器和安放不带尾丝节育器的妇女阴道清洁度正常者分别为38.6%和49%。结论(1)生殖道炎症在不同年龄组其检出率不同。(2)家庭经济状况、生活状况、个人卫生习惯也与生殖道感染的发生有密切关系。(3)生育状态及安放节育器的种类与生殖道感染的发生有关。 Objective To understand the relationship between reproductive behavior, reproductive status and genital diseases among rural women in suburban areas of Tianjin through the rural census and to find out the harmful factors and protective factors of female genital diseases. Methodology Develop the content of the questionnaire and the items to be checked. Including gynecological examination, ultrasound, laboratory tests, and I District Family Planning Reproductive Center, the use of spring and autumn every year for the women’s census, the Task Force sent personnel to implement the set of projects, one after another on the twelve A married woman in a village conducted a questionnaire and examination, totaling 3,000 person-times. The questionnaire and the results of the examination were registered and statistically processed. Results The total detection rate of genital tract infection was 38.1%. The result of normal cervical smear was 79.1%, inflammation accounted for 18.6%, and CIN1 accounted for 1.9%. In vaginal infection, vaginal secretions increased 23.8% and odors 9.9% Itching accounted for 1.3%, abdominal pain accounted for 0.8%; there was a history of abortion, medical abortion, abortion and medical abortion history and abortion history of genital tract inflammation were 44.5%, 32.7%, 44.2%, 26.2% respectively; Of women had normal vaginal cleanliness, accounting for 62.7%. Women with IUDs and those without IUDs had normal vaginal cleanliness of 38.6% and 49% respectively. Conclusions (1) The detection rate of genital tract inflammation is different in different age groups. (2) family economic status, living conditions, personal hygiene habits and reproductive tract infections are also closely related. (3) Reproductive status and placement of IUDs are related to the occurrence of genital tract infections.
目的 探讨吡美莫司乳膏(爱宁达)治疗面部激素依赖性皮炎的临床疗效及预后情况.方法 将我院1年内收治的30例面部激素依赖性皮炎患者作为研究对象,所有患者在治疗前均及时停用
目的 探讨健康教育在leep刀治疗宫颈病变中的应用效果.方法 回顾性分析2014年1月~6月81例在我院行宫颈leep刀手术患者进行入院宣教、术前常规检查宣教、术前教育、术后及出院
本文共分为五章,内容分别如下: 第一章介绍了华语电影人物语言风格化现象研究的背景。对电影人物语言风格、人物语言风格现象以及典型文本作了相应的界定。 第二章明确语