
来源 :中国高校科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:superdai
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<正> 塘沽区共有九个信用社,从表面上看,年年有盈余。近几年盈余额增加更多。1981年为23.2万元,1982年为31.4万元,1983年为59.1万元。但由于各信用社对应收未收和应付未付利
Suction caissons are widely used to support offshore fixed platforms in coastal areas. The loadings transferred to suction caissons include the eccentric latera
内容简介及技术水平 α—氰基丙烯酸酯瞬间粘合剂,具有粘合速度快、强度高、毒性小等优点,广泛用于车辆制造、电子、仪器仪表、光学、计算机等工业部门及普外、脑神经、脑外
The Nampo dike,which is located at the west coast of Korea, was destroyed by wave overtopping during the storms on 30 August and 17 September in 1989. In this p
Described is an initial attempt to simulate the suspended sediment dynamics relating to tidal and wave forcing during summertime in June 1980 and August 1981 fo
This work presents a new approach for simulating the random waves in viscous fluids and the associated bottom shear stresses. By generating the incident random