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今年的夏天,中国的商业地产可谓“火热”。当针对住宅的“国六条”出台后,当北京市工商行政管理局暂停对以民用住宅作为公司注册地址的营业执照审批后,商业地产开发商们都在“偷着乐”。一位开发商更是做了这样的一个比喻“:目前的住宅市场犹如一个戴着脚镣的舞者;而商业地产,则可以像一个运动员一样,迈开大步,奔向前方。”在采访中,记者感到:一方面,国家其实一直在关注商业地产的发展,从“北京市商业白皮书”中,我们可以发现政府调控的痕迹;另一方面,商业地产开发依然如火如荼地进行着……商业地产真的迎来了火热的夏季吗?真的可以闲庭信步,大胆前行了吗?作为首都北京,其商业地产战略格局又将如何改变?商业地产会不会成为下一个宏观调控的对象? This summer, China’s commercial real estate can be described as “hot.” Commercial real estate developers are all “stealing music” when the Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce suspends the approval of business licenses that use residential premises as the registered address of the company after the promulgation of the “State 6” for residential properties. A developer made such an analogy: “The current residential market is like a toed dancer, and commercial real estate can go big like an athlete and head forward.” In an interview , The reporter felt: On the one hand, the state actually has been paying attention to the development of commercial real estate. From the “Beijing Commercial White Paper,” we can find traces of government regulation; on the other hand, commercial real estate development is still in full swing ... Commercial Real estate usher in a fiery summer? Really can stroll, bold forward yet? Beijing as the capital, the commercial real estate strategic pattern in turn will be how commercial real estate will become the next target of macroeconomic regulation and control ?
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丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)是导致输血后肝炎的重要原因.为了解献血员HCV感染情况,确保临床用血安全,修水县防疫站于1995年起开始对献血员进行抗一HCV监测,结果报告如下:1 材料与方法