,Some Remarks Concerning the Invariants of Rank One Solvable Real Lie Algebras

来源 :代数集刊(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzltgp
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A corrected and completed list of six dimensional real Lie algebras with five dimensional nilradical is presented. Their invariants for the coadjoint representation are computed and some results on the invariants of solvable Lie algebras in arbitrary dimension whose nilradical has codimension one are also given. Specifically, it is shown that any rank one solvable Lie algebra of dimension n without invariants determines a family of (n +2k)-dimensional algebras with the same property.
An explicit construction of indecomposable modules for the twisted Heisenberg Virasoro algebra and representations for the full toroidal Lie algebras are given.
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A subgroup U of a finite solvable group G is system permutable in G if there is a Hall system ∑ of G such that US ≤ G for all S ∈∑. We introduce and investi