
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dhamma
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一首哪怕是十分简短的歌曲,也可以记载一个时代的最强音。今年的10月25日,是中国人民志愿军开赴朝鲜进行伟大的抗美援朝作战五十周年纪念日——越是个永远不该被忘记的血写的日子。而每当提起这个日子时,人们就不能不想到那一首只有八句歌词的《中国人民志愿军战歌》。五十年前的6月25日,当五星红旗升起在天安门广场还不到一年的时候,美国侵略者出于其仇恨新中国与独霸亚洲的目的,竟悍然出兵朝鲜,并迅速将战火燃放到了鸭绿江之畔。正在满目疮痍、百废待兴的土地上进行经济建设的中国人民,为了保卫自己年轻的共和国,不得不举起“抗美援朝、保家卫国”的旗帜,组成中国人民志愿军赴朝作战。为以实际行动配合志愿军赴朝作战的正义斗争,全国人民掀起了声势浩大的抗美援朝运动,各 Even a very brief song, you can also record the strongest voice of an era. This year’s 25 October is the 50th anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army’s march toward North Korea for its great war against aiding the United States and for its aid to the United States-the more it should never be forgotten. Whenever mentioning this day, people can not help but think of that first only eight lyrics “Chinese People’s Volunteers Army battle song.” Fifty years ago, on June 25, when the five-star flag was raised in Tiananmen Square less than a year ago, the U.S. aggressors brazenly dispatched troops to North Korea for the purpose of their hatred of New China and their domination of Asia and quickly put the war on fire Launched to the banks of the Yalu River. In order to defend their young republics, the Chinese people who are devastatingly devastating and wanting to be prosperous have to raise the banner of “Resisting the United States, U.S. and North Korea, and defending their homeland and guarding their country”, and have formed the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army to go to the DPRK to fight. In order to take concrete actions to cooperate with the volunteers in their just struggle to fight in the DPRK, the people across the country set off a massive anti-US-aid Korea movement.
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“月亮出来亮汪汪、亮汪汪……” 这是一首人们非常熟悉的云南民歌《小河淌水》。1953年,当年仅26岁的歌唱家黄虹在北京的一次全国文艺汇演中唱响它后,这首歌便传遍了全国;1
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