
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jica330
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中国人民广播事业自1940年在革命圣地延安诞生以来,迄今走过了60多年的路程;新中国的电视事业自1958年诞生迄今也经历了近半个世纪的风雨。半个世纪在日寸间的长河中弹指一瞬,当年风华正茂的事业开创者们和最早几代从业者们如今大都年事已高.他们亲历了人民广播电视事业的开创、成长、发展、改革历程,他们曾竭尽心力在各自的岗位上做出了重要贡献,他们有丰富的广播电视工作经验,他们对自己的广播电视生涯有着深切感悟。 为迎接中国人民广播事业诞生65周年,为配合全国新闻界开展的“三个代表”重要思想、马克思主义新闻观和、职业精神、职业道德三项教育,本刊编辑部和中国发展战略学研究会文化战略事业委员会共同策划、编辑了“我半个世纪的广播电视生涯片断”系列文章若干篇,本刊自2004年第5期起陆续刊登。老广播电视工作者们的经历、经验和体悟定能给新时代的读者以新的启发。 Since its establishment in 1940 in Yanan, the revolutionary shrine, the People’s Broadcasting Project of China has traveled more than 60 years so far. The television cause in the People’s Republic of China has experienced nearly half a century of ups and downs since its birth in 1958. Half a century has taken a snap in the long river of time, when the thriving business pioneers and the earliest generations of practitioners are now mostly old-fashioned. They have witnessed the pioneering, growth and development of the people’s radio and television industry, During the reform process, they have made every effort to make important contributions to their respective posts. They have rich experience in radio and television work and are profoundly aware of their own radio and television career. In order to meet the 65th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese people’s broadcasting industry and in line with the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ the Marxist press concept and professionalism, professional ethics and education in China, the Editorial Department of this magazine and the study of China’s development strategy The Cultural and Strategic Affairs Commission co-curated and edited a series of articles entitled “My Half-century Radio and TV Career Snapshot” series, which has been published since the fifth issue in 2004. The experience, experience and understanding of older radio and television workers will give new insights to new readers.
本刊讯 磨 89井自 1994年投产以来 ,因气层产水、硫化氢含量较高 ,导致井底管柱腐蚀严重。为满足高效开发的需要 ,决定实施井下套管开窗侧钻。川中油气公司应用获国家科技进
在处理人际关系时,他们很注意界限感,什么不该管、什么应该管,清清楚楚。  我自1999年到美国定居以后,对许多事情感触颇深,其中一项就是美国人在处理人际关系上相对简单和容易。究其原因,我觉得他们在处理人际关系时,很注意保持彼此间的界限感。下面我们来看看美国人是如何处理这几种人际关系的——  一、师生关系  在中国,“一朝为师,终身为父”的师生关系流传久远,但在美国人看来,这简直匪夷所思。美国的师生
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