Preparation and primary biological evaluation of novel nitrido-188Re complexes/lipiodol

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Two new nitrido-188Re complexes were prepared by a modified method in high yield. These complexes were stable in vitro. The biodistribution in normal mice showed that these nitrido-188Re complexes could accumulate in liver and dissipate quickly from almos
7月8日,世界首款石墨烯基锂离子电池产品在北京发布.专家认为,该产品的研发成功,彻底打开了石墨烯在消费电子锂电池、动力锂电池以及储能领域锂电池的应用空间.  首款石墨烯基锂离子电池产品由东旭光电的子公司上海碳源汇谷推出,并命名为“烯王”.该产品性能优良,可在-30~80 ℃环境下工作,电池循环寿命高达3 500次左右,充电效率是普通充电产品的24倍.此次发布的石墨烯基锂离子电池技术不仅解决了锂离子
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