Identifying Metabolite and Protein Biomarkers in Unstable Angina In-patients by Feature Selection Ba

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:real_dolia
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Unstable angina(UA) is the most dangerous type of Coronary Heart Disease(CHD) to cause more and more mortal and morbid world wide. Identification of biomarkers for UA at the level of proteomics and metabolomics is a better avenue to understand the inner mechanism of it. Feature selection based data mining method is better suited to identify biomarkers of UA. In this study, we carried out clinical epidemiology to collect plasmas of UA in-patients and controls. Proteomics and metabolomics data were obtained via two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and gas chromatography techniques. We presented a novel computational strategy to select biomarkers as few as possible for UA in the two groups of data. Firstly, decision tree was used to select biomarkers for UA and 3-fold cross validation was used to evaluate computational performances for the three methods. Alternatively, we combined independent t test and classification based data mining method as well as backward elimination technique to select, as few as possible, protein and metabolite biomarkers with best classification performances. By the method, we selected 6 proteins and 5 metabolites for UA. The novel method presented here provides a better insight into the pathology of a disease. Unstable angina (UA) is the most dangerous type of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) to cause more and more mortal and morbid world wide. Identification of biomarkers for UA at the level of proteomics and metabolomics is a better avenue to understand the inner mechanism of it. Feature selection based data mining method is better suited to identify biomarkers of UA. In this study, we carried out clinical epidemiology to collect plasmas of UA in-patients and controls. Proteomics and metabolomics data were obtained via two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis First, decision tree was used to select biomarkers for UA and 3-fold cross validation was used to evaluate computational performances for the three methods. Alternatively, we combined independent t test and classification based data mining method as well as backward elimination tech nique to select, as few as possible, protein and metabolite biomarkers with best classification performances. By the method, we selected 6 proteins and 5 metabolites for UA. The novel method presented here provides a better insight into the pathology of a disease.
欧洲心脏病学会2010年年会报道了急性心脏诊疗的新生物标志1 Dr.Kaski(美)讨论了炎症生物标志的正、反方面的看法:首先在1994年提出了急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)的炎性标志,这
学无止境,为目标努力。2009年,我有幸参加上海市“星光计划”中等职业学校学生职业技能大赛计算机辅助设计(建筑)项目的角逐。在我看来,那是一次对人生有着重要意义 Endless
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