
来源 :红河州党校学报(哲学社会科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jvict
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金平县委党校,位于金平县城西北角,侧依巍峨的分水岭,前俯滔滔的金子河。伴随着边疆人民艰辛的步伐,金平县委党校已渡过了三十个春秋,到了而立之年。这短短的三十年中,既流淌着艰苦创业的汗水,也洋溢着获得丰收的喜悦,既经历了困难和曲折,也时时充满着光明和希望。经过了许多人的不断努力,金平县委党校迎来了初具规模的今天。现在,金平县委党校正以新的姿态,投入改革开放的浪潮,教书育人,传播知识,为党的干部教育事业辛勤地工作着。一九六三年十二月,金平县委指定了一位同志负责,抽调了三名教员,一个炊事员, Jinping County Party School, located in the northwest corner of Jinping County, side by towering watershed, overlooking the surging river gold. With the arduous pace of the people on the frontier, the Jinping County Party School has spent thirty years of Spring and Autumn, and has stood still in its eve. In this short period of 30 years, there is not only a sweat flowing through hard work but also a joyous harvest. It has experienced both difficulties and twists and turns and is full of light and hope. After many people’s continuous efforts, Jinping County Party School ushered in the beginning of the scale of today. Now, the Jinping County Party School is taking a new stance and investing in the tide of reform and opening up, teaching and educating people, spreading knowledge, and working diligently for the party’s cadre education. In December 1963, Jinping County Party Committee appointed a comrade to be responsible for the deployment of three teachers, a cook,
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