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超短波图像传输系统将计算机技术、移动数据通信技术、数据网络技术、远程控制技术融为一体,传输带宽高且稳定,安全性好,支持IP数据业务,适合海上管理部门指挥调度。该系统的部署和应用解决了海上通信盲区问题,为海上维权执法、缉私缉毒、反偷渡、海上抢险救灾、维护渔场安全稳定以及维护国家海洋权益提供了可靠的可视化指挥手段,提升了执勤执法效能。本文分析了影响系统信号质量的关键指标,对系统稳定性进行分析测试,对系统做出了相应的优化部署,验证了系统设计的合理性。 Ultra-shortwave image transmission system integrates computer technology, mobile data communication technology, data network technology and remote control technology. The transmission bandwidth is high and stable, and the security is good. IP data services are supported and it is suitable for the command and dispatch of maritime administrations. The deployment and application of the system have solved the problem of blind spots in maritime communications, provided reliable visual command means for enforcement of maritime rights, anti-illicit drug trafficking, anti-smuggling, maritime rescue and disaster relief, safeguarding the safety and stability of fishing grounds and safeguarding national maritime rights and interests, and enhanced the effectiveness of law enforcement on duty . This paper analyzes the key indicators affecting the signal quality of the system, the stability of the system analysis and testing, the system made the appropriate deployment, verify the rationality of the system design.
严重急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)[1]易引起急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS).研究表明其病原体为冠状病毒变异株.我们病区从2003年4月30日~5月20日收治1
目的探讨对急性呼吸衰竭(ARF)患者进行纤维支气管镜经气管导管旁进入作常规检查和支气管灌洗术(BL)的安全性.方法86例ARF患者中COPD 31例,ARDS 23例,外科手术后32例,年龄25~83