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近年来,随着农村税费改革的全面推开,在农村乡镇财力吃紧的情况下,部分乡镇加大了对涉农税收的征收力度,农用车辆征免工商税收的矛盾日益突出,不断有农民上访、来信咨询农用车辆工商税收政策,反映基层税务部门对农用车辆乱征税问题。经过专题调研,我们发现,现行税收政策征免界限不清是造成上述问题的主要原因。因此,有必要对农用车辆征免工商税收政策界限加以明确。 In recent years, with the full introduction of rural tax and fee reform and the tightening of financial resources in rural townships, some towns and townships have intensified their efforts to levy taxes on agriculture-related taxes and the contraventions on the exemption of industrial and commercial taxes on agricultural vehicles have become increasingly prominent. Peasants Petitioners, letters and advice agricultural vehicles industrial and commercial tax policy, reflecting the grass-roots tax authorities chaos on agricultural vehicles tax issues. After a special survey, we found that the current tax policy to clear the boundary is the main reason for the above problems. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the boundaries of the exemption of industrial and commercial tax policies for agricultural vehicles.
目的 了解“非典”流行期间大学生的心理状态。方法 采用 SCL -90 ,SAS,SDS量表对 1 0 4名大学生进行心理状态评定 ,并与全国常模比较。结果 大学生在躯体化、偏执、强迫
近几年,医院信息化建设得到了飞速发展,但医院内各种各样的应用软件也层出不穷,由于这些应用软件的功能与作用、所需的硬件环境、系统平台、数据结 In recent years, the co
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在BTV5《城市》栏目养生系列片《从头到脚说健康》的带动下,曲黎敏所著同名图书自去年8月推出至今已销售80万册。3月,长江文艺出版社将推出该书姊 In the BTV5 “City” col
随着医疗卫生体制改革的逐渐深入,在医疗技术日益发展、人民群众健康观念日益加强的同时,医院不断产生着新的挑战,同时内部控制也成为了医院发展一个十分重要的问题。 With
为了探讨卡介苗 (BCG )预先免疫对大鼠慢性绿脓杆菌 (PA )性肺炎模型的影响。采用BCG或灭菌生理盐水皮内注射预先免疫 3周 ,然后由支气管内予以PA攻击 ;2周后评估各组的肺部
文章介绍了医德文化对打造和谐医院的重要作用,探讨医院如何有效地推行医德文化建设。 This article introduces the important role of ethics culture in building a harm