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近几年来,随着高校办学规模不断扩大,无论在教学质量还是在学生教育管理方面都出现了一些比较突出的问题。因此,教育部近年来在高校水平评估中将提高教育教学质量摆在了十分重要的位置。如何才能提高教育教学质量?继续深化学校改革,提高管理水平则是关键一环。而学校管理是一个复杂的系统工程,学生教育管理是这一系统工程中十分重要的组成部分。本文仅根据高职高专学校近几年来学生教育管理方面的一些经验和教训,针对青年学生中存在的法纪观念淡薄而引发的一些校园治安问题进行了简要分析,提出了如何坚持依法治校、加强法制教育、打造平安校园的粗浅意见,以达抛砖引玉之目的。 In recent years, with the continuous expansion of the running of colleges and universities, some outstanding problems have appeared in both the quality of teaching and the management of students’ education. Therefore, in recent years, the Ministry of Education has placed a very important position on improving the quality of education and teaching in the assessment of university level. How to improve the quality of education and teaching? Continuing to deepen the school reform and improve the management level is the key link. School management is a complex systematic project. Student education management is a very important part of this systematic project. Based on some experiences and lessons learned from the management of students’ education in higher vocational colleges in recent years, this article analyzes briefly the problems of law and order in the campus caused by the weakness of the concept of law and discipline among young students, puts forward some suggestions on how to adhere to the principle of " We will strengthen legal education and create superficial opinions on safe campuses so as to promote the purpose of raising funds.
目的 观察双水平气道内正压通气(Bi-level positive airway pressure, BiPAP)治疗慢性阻塞性肺病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,COPD)合并肺性脑病的有效性和安全
目的:探讨急性心肌梗塞的护理要点和全方位监测的重要性. 目的 建立急性心肌梗塞护理计划,包括临床护理(心理护理、卧床休息护理、饮食和大小便护理、疼痛护理、吸氧护理)、
新生儿持续肺动脉高压(persistent pul monary hyperten-sion of the newborn,PPHN),又称持续胎儿循环(persistent fe-tal circulation,PFC),是指多种病因引起新生儿生后肺血
目的 探讨老年人左半结肠癌急性肠梗阻行I期切除吻合手术的临床疗效.方法 对106例老年左半结肠癌急性梗阻患者行急诊I期切除吻合术,术中充分肠道减压和结肠灌洗使肠道空虚、