云朵中的民族 羌族

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羌族,华夏民族的始祖之一,是一个有着五千年文明史的民族,一个源自中国最古老部落的民族。在中华民族几千年历史长河中,这个古老而伟大的民族用泥土和石块创造了人类建筑史上绝无仅有的辉煌奇观——闻名遐迩的世界文化遗产都江堰水利工程、东方金字塔西夏王陵以及古代的摩天大楼羌碉。在青藏高原东南边缘的岷江河谷地带,高耸云端的数丈碉楼,横空峥嵘,摩云追月,傲视苍穹,千年不倾,抵挡了狂暴的雷电风雨,抵御了无数的飞驽鸣镝,像一支支利剑直插云霄,用一个坚固的文化符号创造了千年不倒的历史传奇。碉楼下,羌笛悠扬,唢呐高奏,神鼓铿锵,歌声缭绕,一截红绫,一碗杂酒,一堆篝火,一曲沙朗,千年古堡,似一坛浓酒,飘出浪漫,泛出相思,漾出爱火,溢出柔情。于是,我们走近神奇的云中民族——羌族。 One of the ancestors of the Qiang and Huaxia ethnic groups is a nation with a history of 5,000 years of civilization and a nation rooted in the oldest tribes in China. In the long history of thousands of years of the Chinese nation, this ancient and great nation created unique and magnificent miracles in the history of human construction with mud and stones - the world famous Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project, the Western Xia Dynasty Tombs of the Eastern Pyramids and the ancient Skyscraper Qiang Tower. In the Minjiang River valley on the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, towering towers of cloud-shaped towers, towering across the sky, Mount Mo cloud chasing the moon, overlooking the sky, against the thunderstorm thundershowers, against countless flying 驽 Ming Dysprosium A strong sword straight into the sky, with a strong cultural symbol created a history of the Millennium do not fall. Under the towers, the bamboo flute melodious, suona high tempo, sonorous drums sonorous, song filled, a section of red damask, a bowl of miscellaneous wine, a pile of bonfire, a slam, millennium castle, Pan-Acacia, Yang love out of love, overflowing tenderness. So, we approached the magical ethnic cloud - Qiang.
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