优化科技创新环境 促进农村经济发展

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改革开放以来,我市积极适应市场经济的客观要求,把大力发展科技事业作为科技兴市、加快发展的措施牢牢抓在手上,取得了科技事业和经济发展的双丰收。我们的主要做法是:一、提高认识,加强领导,形成全社会抓好科技工作的合力在抓科技工作方面,主要做到了“四个坚持”。一是坚持一把手挂帅负总责。成立由市委书记、市长任正副组长的科技领导小组,增强对科技工作的宏观调控力度。在市、镇、村、企业成立由主要负责人任组长的科技工作小组,形成一把手带头抓科枝的工作局面,为科技事业的发展提供了强有力的保障。二是坚持定期研究科技工作制度。把工作规划、组织建设、干部配备等重大问题纳入市委常委会、市长办公会进行研究;市委、市政府召开每季度工作通报会,都专门听取全市科技工作的情况汇报,定期检查督导重大科技项目的进展,及时解决项目运作中的困难和问题。三是坚持科技工作目标责任制考 Since the reform and opening up, our city has been actively adapting to the objective requirements of a market economy and has firmly grasped the vigorous development of science and technology as a measure to promote the development of science and technology and speed up development. We have achieved a double harvest in science and technology and economic development. Our main approach is: First, raise awareness, strengthen leadership, the formation of the whole society do a good job in science and technology work in science and technology work, mainly to achieve the “four adherence.” First, insist on leading a total responsibility. Set up by the municipal party committee secretary, mayor Ren Zheng, vice chairman of the leading group of science and technology, enhance the macro-control efforts of science and technology. In the cities, towns, villages and enterprises, a science and technology working group headed by the principal responsible person was formed to take the lead in grasping the work of Branch Branch and provided a strong guarantee for the development of science and technology. Second, insist on regular study of scientific and technological work system. The work plan, organizational construction, cadres and other major issues included in the Municipal Standing Committee, the mayor office will conduct research; municipal government held a quarterly work briefing, are specialized in listening to the city’s scientific and technological work report, regular inspection and supervision of major science and technology Project progress, timely solution to the project operation difficulties and problems. Third, adhere to the responsibility system of science and technology work objectives
目的评价腔静脉滤器植入联合足背静脉溶栓在下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)治疗中的疗效。方法 2006年12月-2009年10月,对26例下肢深静脉血栓患者行下腔静脉滤器植入术,并结合足背静脉
我校师生与三○车间结合,将一台 C620普通车床改造成半自动程控车床(题头图)。并已投入生产使用。该机床是在学习原平原公司、四一○厂等兄弟单位改装 C620普通车床经验的基