,Entanglement in a system of two two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode field

来源 :中国物理(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanshangsen
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We investigate the entanglement in a system of two coupling atoms interacting with a single-mode field by means of quantum information entropy theory. The quantum entanglement between the two atoms and the coherent field is discussed by using the quantum reduced entropy, and the entanglement between the two coupling atoms is also investigated by using the quantum relative entropy. In addition, the influences of the atomic dipole-dipole interaction intensity and the average photon number of the coherent field on the degree of the entanglement is examined. The results show that the evolution of the degree of entanglement between the two atoms and the field is just opposite to that of the degree of entanglement between the two atoms. And the properties of the quantum entanglement in the system rely on the atomic dipole-dipole interaction and the average photon number of the coherent field.
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