
来源 :校园英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winnerdj
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《大学英语教学指南》提出自主学习能力培养是我国大学英语教学的目标之一,希望高校根据学生个性化需求展开教学活动,因此个性化自主学习模式是当代大学英语教学改革的必然趋势。本文从Krashen的第二语言习得理论的输入假说出发,结合自主学习构建主义的理论,分析在自主学习中学生的个性化需求,探讨“i+1”理论与语言习得之间的关联并分析其在个性化自主学习中的应用价值,帮助学生了解自身个性需求进而提高自主学习能力。 The Guide to College English Teaching puts forward that the cultivation of autonomous learning ability is one of the goals of college English teaching in our country. It is hoped that colleges and universities should start teaching activities according to the individual needs of students. Therefore, the individualized autonomous learning mode is an inevitable trend of contemporary college English teaching reform. Based on the input hypothesis of Krashen ’s second language acquisition theory and the theory of autonomous learning constructivism, this paper analyzes the individual needs of students in autonomous learning and discusses the relationship between “i + 1 ” theory and language acquisition And analyze its value in personalized self-learning, to help students understand their own individual needs and thus improve their ability to learn independently.
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【摘要】查尔斯·狄更斯是英国维多利亚时代最伟大的小说家。本文从修辞学角度研究了狄更斯晚期代表作《双城记》的美学特征。本文首先介绍了修辞学与美学的关联,然后依次分析梳理了小说的四大美学特征。最后,对这些美学特征进行了归纳和总结。  【关键词】《双城记》 修辞 美学特征  西方修辞学将修辞分为交际修辞和美学修辞两大类。两者各有特点和任务。前者指的是文章的遣词造句需要通顺妥帖,是广泛而普遍的。后者要求语
There exist arguments on whether enterprises should put much emphasis on CSR.This paper will discuss what CSR is and compare the theories and ideas on CSR.Final