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随着我国社会经济的发展,公民的法律意识也不断提高,行政机关违法行政或者行政不作为带来的公共利益损害,引发了一系列新的矛盾冲突。如果仍沿用传统的诉讼法理论采用的“当事人适格”标准,绝大多数起诉者都会因没有原告资格而无法进入司法程序。原告资格是决定争议能否进入司法程序的主要因素之一,是我们研究行政公益诉讼制度的关键性问题,是公益诉讼进行行政诉讼领域的一把钥匙,具有十分重要的理论意义和现实意义。1.行政公益诉讼的概念及其基本特征从法学界的普遍观点来看,行政公益诉讼是指“公民为维护公益,就与自己权利及法律上无直接利害关系的事项,对行政机关及其工作人员的违法作为或不作为所提起的诉讼。”那什么是公益?从字面上理 With the development of our country’s society and economy, citizens’ awareness of the law has also been continuously raised. The damage to the public interest brought about by the illegal administration or administrative omission by the administrative authorities has triggered a series of new conflicts and conflicts. If the standard of “client fitness” adopted by traditional procedural law is still followed, most of the prosecutors will not be able to enter the judicial process without the qualification of plaintiff. The qualification of the plaintiff is one of the main factors that determine whether the dispute can enter the judicial process, which is the key issue for us to study the administrative public interest litigation system. It is also the key to the public interest litigation in the field of administrative litigation. It has very important theoretical and practical significance. 1. The concept of administrative public interest litigation and its basic characteristics From the general point of view of law circles, administrative public interest litigation is that “citizens for the protection of public welfare, with their own rights and no direct legal issues, the executive authorities and The lawsuit filed by the staff member for the unlawful act or omission. ”" What is public interest? Literally
中国现已独立自主地研制了 12种不同型号的长征系列运载火箭。为使读者概要了解运载火箭技术 ,本刊将对宇航出版社出版的《航天技术与系统工程丛书》的〈运载火箭卷〉部分内
未来战争复杂程度给作战指挥带来的压力,必然要求指挥员具备良好的道德素质。在做好道德表率的基础上,指挥员好要善于培养整个部队良好的道德氛围和坚强的品质。 The pressu
案例 本市一家服装加工厂因生产需要招收了一批外地农民工,签订了为期一年的劳动合同。在签订劳动合同时,厂方提出两种工作时间让职工挑选:一种是每天工作12小时,超时支付加
第一条 为方便台湾记者进行新闻采访,加强海峡两岸新闻交流,以加深两岸人民的相互了解,促进两岸关系发展,推进祖国和平统一进程,特制定本规定。 Article 1 These Provision
20 0 2年 10月 2 4日 ,我院客座教授、航天测控技术专家、军事科学学会常务理事、解放军总装备部指挥技术学院副院长、教授平凡少将在我院东校区综合楼四楼学术报告厅作了题