Radiation heat transfer model for complex superalloy turbine blade in directional solidification pro

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For the sake of a more accurate shell boundary and calculation of radiation heat transfer in the Directional Solidification(DS) process, a radiation heat transfer model based on the Finite Element Method(FEM)is developed in this study. Key technologies, such as distinguishing boundaries automatically, local matrix and lumped heat capacity matrix, are also stated. In order to analyze the effect of withdrawing rate on DS process,the solidification processes of a complex superalloy turbine blade in the High Rate Solidification(HRS) process with different withdrawing rates are simulated; and by comparing the simulation results, it is found that the most suitable withdrawing rate is determined to be 5.0 mm·min~(-1). Finally, the accuracy and reliability of the radiation heat transfer model are verified, because of the accordance of simulation results with practical process. For the sake of a more accurate shell boundary and calculation of radiation heat transfer in the Directional Solidification (DS) process, a radiation heat transfer model based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) is developed in this study. Key technologies, such as distinguishing boundaries automatically, local matrix and lumped heat capacity matrix, are also stated. In order to analyze the effect of withdrawing rate on DS process, the solidification processes of a complex superalloy turbine blade in the High Rate Solidification (HRS) process with different withdrawing rates are simulated; and by comparing the simulation results, it is found that the most suitable withdrawing rate is determined to be 5.0 mm · min ~ (-1). Finally, the accuracy and reliability of the radiation heat transfer model are verified, because of the accordance of simulation results with practical process.
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