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开拓异地市场,各家有各家的高招。而商战无定则,关键在于因时制策,因地制宜。●择强竞争在拉链制造业中,美国的泰隆公司曾经以其先进的工艺、高质量的产品独步一时,各国同行难以与之竞争。第二次世界大战后,日本吉田公司将其拉链产品拿到美国市场上去销售时,因其质量低劣被拒之门外。然而,吉田公司并没有因此而泄气,反而坚定了它开拓美国市场的信心,它以追、赶、超美国泰隆公司为目标,一方面引进先进的生产设备,提高产品质量和生产效率,开发新产品;另一方面寻觅竞争对手之短,悉心研究、改进;同时辅之以薄利多销、削价竞争手段与泰隆公司开展竞争。在这场竞争中。吉田公司发展成为拥有38家海外分厂的“拉链大王”,泰隆公司不得不俯首称臣。 Open up remote markets, each house has the brilliant idea. The business rules of war, the key is that when the policy-making, according to local conditions. ● strong competition In the zipper manufacturing industry, the United States Tyrone company has its own advanced technology, high-quality products unique, it is difficult for its counterparts to compete with their counterparts. After World War II, Japan’s Yoshida Co., Ltd. took its zipper products to the US market for sale because of its poor quality. However, Yoshida did not discourage, but instead strengthened its confidence in developing the U.S. market. It aimed at chasing, catching up and surpassing the US Tyrone Company. On the one hand, it introduced advanced production equipment to improve product quality and production efficiency and develop new Products; on the other hand to find competitors short, careful study, improvement; supplemented by the small profits but quick turnover, price cutting competition with Tyrone companies compete. In this competition. Yoshida has become a “zipper king” with 38 overseas branches and Tyrone has had to bow to its knees.
以乙酰丙酮衍生的β-酮亚胺镍 ( )配合物在烷基铝作用下催化丙烯的二聚反应 ,并考察了铝镍比、烷基铝助剂的种类、不同取代胺配体等对催化性能的影响 .结果表明 ,该体系在一
报道了含有自由羧酸基的新型稀土金属离子YIII氨基多羧酸配合物的合成及分子结构和晶体结构的测定 .具体结果如下 :分子式 (NH4 ) 3 [YIII(ttha) ]·5H2 O(ttha =三乙四胺六
顾客购物后满意与否,对于不同的人,固然有不同的影响因素,但总的来说是由顾客购买之前对产品的“预期心理”和购后从产品中所感受到的“可见绩效”的对比决定的。 人们在购
方法 采用热化学沉降脱水、掺稀释剂脱水及电法脱水对超稠油进行脱水试验研究。目的 解决超稠油脱水难题 ,提出超稠油脱水最佳工艺参数 ,以满足生产需要。结果 提出超稠油
机械部副部长吕福源指出,目前我国汽车行业有五个特点: 1.全行业形成了以销定产的生产机制,尤其是一汽、二汽这样大的企业,限产压库取得成效。 2.投资相对集中,集中度比前几
A stalagmite from Qixing Cave, Guizhou Province was dated with the TIMS U-series method and its oxygen isotope composition was analyzed. On the basis of the age
The conversion of CO2 into H+ and is a relatively slow reaction. Hence, its kinetics may be rate determiningin carbonate rock dissolution. Carbonic anhydrase (