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作为治理机制创新的缩影,共治模式意味着我国食品安全治理实践业已从监管中心主义适时转向协力互补的善治轨道,具有良性制度变迁的积极意涵。信任是共治模式中整合多元力量、凝聚各方共识的制度纽带,然而其在公众指向监管部门、科学社群、市场主体等方面相继发生断裂,表明食品安全共治在公权力执法、知识治理、市场规训等多个维度遭遇“失灵”。引发信任危机的深层次因素既关涉“运动式执法”不当取代法理型支配,也涉及科学社群无力塑造知识权威,同时与公众风险感知的社会属性息息相关。从整体主义视角看,应当以系统性的进路,改善监管部门的执法信息基础及其危机性风险交流方法、构筑科学社群的平衡约束机制、建立消费者认知教育制度,进而在普遍意义上稳定公众预期,重塑共治模式的信任纽带。 As a microcosm of governance innovation, governance mode means that the practice of food safety governance in our country has shifted from the center of supervision to the path of good governance that is synergistic and complementary, which has the positive meaning of the transformation of the virtuous system. Trust is the institutional bond of integrating multiple forces and unifying the consensus of all parties in the communist governance model. However, it has broken down successively in the areas of public supervision, scientific communities and market players, indicating that food safety is governed by public enforcement and knowledge governance , Market discipline and other dimensions encountered “failure ”. The deep-seated factors that lead to the crisis of trust are not only the domination of the “law enforcement of sports law” improperly replacing the jurisprudence, but also the inability of the scientific community to shape the authority of knowledge and the social attributes of public risk perception. From a holistic point of view, we should improve the law enforcement information base of regulators and the methods of crisis risk communication, and establish a balanced and restraining mechanism of the scientific community to establish a consumer cognitive education system in a systematic way, and then in a universal sense On the stability of the public expected to reshape the common mode of trust.