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监督法是各级人大代表和广大人民群众盼望已久,影响深远,意义重大的法律。贯彻好、实施好这部法律,是各级人大常委会义不容辞的法定职责。监督法出台后,省人大常委会主任黄丽满曾多次指出,全省各级人大常委会要以贯彻实施监督法为契机,进一步加强和改进人大监督工作。在11月14日全省各市人大常委会主任座谈会上,黄丽满主任再次强调,切实做好贯彻实施监督法的工作,是当前全省各级人大常委会的一项重要政治任务。我们必须深刻领会监督法的精神实质,下真功夫把监督法落到实处。一要突出监督重点、选准监督议题。人大监督应当抓住国家和地方事务中带有根本性、倾向性、全局性的重大问题,不能事无巨细,什么都管。什么都管,势必什么也管不好、管不了,而且不利于充分发挥“一府两院”的积极性、主动性、创造性。要更加关注涉及人民群众切身利益的问题,把群众关心的难点热点问题作为监督工作的重点,认真抓、反复抓,一抓到底,直至问题得到切实解决。二要改进监督方式、增强监督实效。监督法实施后,人民群众对人大监督工作的要求会更高。我们要按照敢于监督、善于监督的要求,采取多种监督形式, The Law on Supervision is the law that has long been hoped for by people’s congresses at all levels and the broad masses of the people, with far-reaching and significant significance. To implement and enforce this law is an obligatory statutory duty of the NPC Standing Committee at all levels. After the introduction of the supervision law, Huang Liman, director of the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee, pointed out on many occasions that the NPC Standing Committee at all levels in the province should take the opportunity of implementing the supervision law as an opportunity to further strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC. At the symposium held on November 14th, the director of the NPC Standing Committee of all municipalities in the province, Director Huang Liman emphasized once again that the effective implementation of the supervision law is an important political task for the NPC Standing Committee at all levels in the province at present. We must profoundly understand the spiritual essence of the supervision law, and make the supervision law practically under the real kung fu. First, we must highlight the focus of supervision, select the subject of supervision. The people’s congress supervisor should seize the major issues of fundamentality, tendencies and overall situation in state and local affairs and should not be overstated or overseen. What are the control, what is bound to control is not good, can not manage, but not conducive to give full play to “one house and two chambers,” the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. We must pay more attention to the issues concerning the immediate interests of the people and regard the hot issues concerning the difficulties of the masses as the focus of supervision. We should pay close attention to them and pay close attention to them repeatedly until the problems are effectively solved. Second, we must improve the monitoring methods and enhance the effectiveness of supervision. After the implementation of the supervision law, people’s demands on the supervision of the NPC will be even higher. In accordance with the requirements of daring to be supervised and good at supervision, we should adopt various forms of supervision,
在孩子幼小的心灵里,总有一些东西令他们不敢正视。这些东西默默地藏在那儿,在一定的时候就会跳出来击打或啮咬他们的心。如果我们大人没有及时发现或者听之任之,那么就可能给孩子的心灵留下一生驱不散的阴影,所以保护孩子是我们每一个大人的责任。  班里有个混血儿  我带的班里有个叫芬娜的孩子,头发卷卷的贴着头皮,厚厚的嘴唇,黑黑的皮肤,明净的大眼睛好像会说话。我很喜欢她,不仅因为她特别乖巧懂事,而且学习也相当
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<正> 中国是世界上史学最发达的国家,几千年连续不断有文字可考的历史,使中国人常引以为骄傲,历史学家也历来受到人们的尊敬和国家的重视。然而,时过境迁,史学在当代有“无可奈何花落去”似的无奈和失落感,社会各界都表现出对史学的冷淡,史学同仁也多次发出史学危机的呼吁。问题到底出在哪里?我们当然不否认历史学服务于现实的非直接性,但反躬自省,史学界本身也有责任。要想摆脱危机,走向现实,还要靠史学同仁的努力。这一点,在我认真读了瞿林东先生《历史·现实·人生——史学的沉思》一书后,更加坚信不移。