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爆米花二月二,龙抬头。传说这天是天地交感、天人相通的日子。这一天,人们都做些祈福、祭祀或纪念活动,以求得幸福、吉祥和安康。康百万在大管家的陪同下,早早就来到石窟寺焚香祷告。回到康店后,正值当午,春日暖阳,大街上熙来人往,过节般热闹。康百万便下了轿,瞎转悠。一路上不时有人给他打招呼。忽然,他看到前面聚拢一堆人,吵吵闹闹的,像是发生了什么不愉快的事情。康百万径直过去,原来是周财主跟一个爆米花的 Popcorn in February two, the dragon looked up. It is said that this day is the day when heaven and earth sympathize with each other. On this day, people are doing prayers, sacrifices or commemorations in order to achieve happiness, good fortune and well-being. Kang million in the housekeeper accompanied, early came to cave temple incense prayer. Back to the Kang shop, when the value of the afternoon, spring sun, Hee the streets to the people, as the holidays as lively. Kang million will be the next chair, blind wandering. From time to time someone greeted him all the way. Suddenly, he saw the front gathered a bunch of people, noisy, like what happened unpleasant things. Kang million straight in the past, turned out to be a rich man with a week of wealth
他永远行走在路上,没有终点,只有方向。  ——题 记  2014年5月17日清晨,赵宗明像受伤的虾一样曲背弓腰,手捂胸口,脸色干枯涩黄。用桌角顶住上腹减轻疼痛,腾出双手敲击键盘。可是没一会儿,他缩作一团瘫软了下去。  医院胃镜室里,他躺在检查床上,侧卧,屈腿,深呼吸……女医生手执纤管探下去,蓦然惊疑:“你多大岁数?”她扫一眼病历,“才49岁!不想活啦?”大面积溃疡边缘隆起密密麻麻的肿块。活检化验报
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