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  因飞行技术精湛,对工作认真负责、一丝不苟,2010年7月,已累积飞行了2700多小时 (对机长的“硬件”要求) 的王峥,被公司提拔为责任机长。这不仅意味着她的年薪翻了近三倍,而且以后还可以独立带领副手驾驶飞机,并全权指挥一架客机上的所有事务。
  Young Female Captain Takes off
  By Bi Yuntian
  Wang Zheng, a 29-year-old female captain with Zhejiang Branch of Air China stationed at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport, flies Airbus 321 now. She is Air China’s first female captain and the youngest captain of both genders.
  Born into an ordinary family in Beijing in 1982, Wang as a little girl cherished a hope of flying airplanes. While other girls loved dolls she loved airplanes and the sky. She grew up with the dream of piloting an airplane, but the dream crashed in her second senior high school year when she finally learned that only males would have an opportunity to be pilots. It was not until July 2003 when she was 21 and a sophomore majoring in electronics technology that she heard of the great news that Air China was recruiting women candidates for pilots. She signed up with Air China but kept her parents in the dark.
  The selection procedure was extremely strict for a woman candidate. A successful candidate must stand between 1.65 and 1.75 meters tall and she must satisfy all other requirements as strict as those for a man candidate. She went through near 100 physical tests successfully. Then she passed tests of her concentration capability and eye-hand coordination capability. Then she passed the psychology tests. Routine security check was a must. The professional aptitude test was torturing. In one of the tests, you sit in a chair. The chair spins clockwise several dozens times and then it turns anticlockwise equal times. As soon as the chair stops spinning, you are supposed to stand up and walk straightforward. Of more than 300 women applicants, only Wang Zheng and two others passed all the tests. Probably she was born with a perfect physique for flying and her teen-age dream of becoming a pilot was a telltale indicator.
  Before she was going to sign a contract with Air China for a pilot course study at the Civil Aviation University of China, Wang Zheng revealed all of this to her parents. Her parents raised their concerns, thinking flying in the sky would be too risky and the best job for their daughter would be an office work down on earth. But Wang Zheng was adamant. Her parents finally agreed to let her try.
  A quiet girl in high school, Wang Zheng did not stand out in sports. But as soon as she was recruited into the pilot course, she knew she needed changing herself. The study was grueling. More often than not, she slept only four hours a day in order to stay on the track.
  By December 2004, she had finished all the classroom studies. She went with two other girls to get hands-on training at Spartan, a pilot training company in USA, which in the aviation industry is considered something like West Point Academy for USA army. In May 2006, she first successfully piloted a trainer independently. Before long, she passed three key qualification examinations and acquired a private pilot license and a commercial pilot license. She was the first among the whole batch of pilot students that passed all the examinations.
  Back in China, she was assigned to Hangzhou-based Zhejiang Branch of Air China. The first day she put on her pilot uniform and looked at herself in the mirror, she was so proud and happy that she found herself looking extremely smart and handsome.
  Her first flight was a short one: a 180-kilometer journey from Shanghai to Hangzhou. She worked as a copilot, her performance accurate and effective. The captain was deeply impressed by the young female pilot’s efficiency and proficiency, commenting that the girl was indeed talented.
  She was happy to fly and gradually she got to understand why airlines now want women pilots. As technology improves, piloting a jumbo jet is no longer a huge demand on physical build. Women pilots have their advantages: they are more careful and sharp-eyed for possible mistakes and hidden defects and they are good at hundreds of buttons and switches.
  One summer day in 2009, Wang Zheng flew from Hangzhou to Bangkok. After the plane landed, she did the routine check around the plane on the ground to see if there was any anomaly. She noticed some water dripping from a wastewater outlet at the bottom of the fuselage. She asked the ground technicians where the water was coming from. The ground technicians said stewardesses might be draining water from the kitchen. Wang Zheng was careful. She boarded the plane and checked. The water was not coming from the kitchen. She came back and watched more carefully. The water kept running. She reported the anomaly to the captain by phone. The captain ordered a thorough examination. Under the kitchen is a small cabin for more than 50 computers. When the door of the cabin was opened, the ground technicians were astonished to find a large pool of water on the floor as a water pipe passing through the computer cabin had broken. The water would not cause any danger when the plane was on ground. But it could flood some computers in the cabin when the plane climbed up at a steep angle in its takeoff. The hidden disaster was fixed thanks to Wang Zheng.
  By July 2010, Wang Zheng had flown more than 2,700 hours and she graduated to captainship that month. That means she now commands an airplane and she has her own copilot.
  She has had her share of emergencies. She piloted a large passenger plane from Hangzhou to Beijing one early winter day in 2010. It was foggy in Beijing, but the weather allowed touchdown. While the plane was smoothly descending toward the runway, Wang Zheng suddenly found the instruments on either side of her were telling a different story. The instruments on the left side failed to catch the blind landing information from the ground controller.
  She knew it was an emergency. If the plane descended to 295 feet above the runway and she did not have the signal, she must get the plane up again. The 295 feet mark was fast approaching. She decided to get the plane up. The plane went up to 3,000 feet and circled above the airport while she tried to contact the ground radar and checked the landing checklist again to see whether anything had been missed. After diagnosing that the inertia guidance system was out of order, she switched the control to the right side and the plane immediately received the blind landing signal. The passengers were unaware of the emergency, though they knew the flight would be late to arrive in Beijing due to the heavy fog. When the plane finally stood still and passengers began to file out, Wang felt relieved. Looking at the night scene at the foggy airport, she felt it was beautiful.
  Passengers are always amazed when they find the captain is a girl in her late 20s. Some passengers want her telephone number. Many want to pose with her for a photo. Once the plane touched down for refueling, an airport porter came over and photographed her on his cell phone. The porter explained that he wanted to show his daughter what women could achieve. That moment made Wang Zheng especially proud.
  As a captain, Wang Zheng runs a busy schedule. Since she became a pilot four years ago, she has never stayed home for holidays and festivals. She is busy during holidays and festivals. And whenever she works, she shuts down her cell phone so that she can concentrate on her job. Her parents adjust their holidays and festivals according to her work schedule. Holidays and festivals are when she is home. She does not have much time for herself. She is often away from home and she attends regular training. But she still finds time to do shopping and watch television series.
  In March 2011, someone uploaded a group of photos showing Wang Zheng working as a captain. She found herself catapulting to the national fame overnight. She observes that as China now lacks pilots, some Chinese airliners employ foreign captains and pilots. She says her success would encourage more young women to dream of flying.□
北京朝阳区红领巾桥西北角的道家园,一座普通的居民楼。阳台上绿萝翠蔓婆娑,光影摇曳,书房里一位精神矍铄的老人正在伏案疾书,身后墙壁上精美的民间刺绣摹绘画作《狮子滚绣球》,熠熠生辉,浓郁的乡土气息扑面而来。  这位老人就是刘恪山,系湖南湘阴名门之后。湘阴人杰地灵,自古名人辈出。刘恪山生于1931年,曾祖父刘锡渠是清朝官员,在福建省先后任四个县知县和一任知府;父亲刘况是辛亥革命的元老之一。刘恪山自幼在父