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中国社科院副研究员张西明说,中美就中国加入世贸组织(WTO)签署双边协议后,根据美方单方面宣布的协议内容,美国公司可以在中国投资互联网业,包括网络服务和网络内容。据网上消息,目前美国及一些发达国家的投资者已准备随时启动大量风险投资基金,大举进入中国迅猛发展的互联网业。在这种形势下,我国互联网业与国际资本竞争中“三个不对称”(规则不对称、信息不对称、投资能力不对称)的局面将更加突出。如不迅速采取有效措施,利用“入世”前的有限时间作出一个制度性的安排,我国这个潜在的世界上最大的互联网业市场将会很快被外资所主导。为在即将到来的竞争中争取主动,应从四个方面极早作准备:首先,迅速就以下主要内容进行分析研究,国际互联网业的发展和中国互联网业的现状,发达国家规范管理互联网的经验。 Zhang Xi-ming, an associate researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that after China and the United States signed bilateral agreements regarding China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), U.S. companies can invest in the Internet industry in China, including online services and online content, in accordance with the unilaterally announced agreement by the United States. According to online sources, at present, investors in the United States and some developed countries are ready to launch a large number of venture capital funds at any time and make major inroads into China’s rapidly developing Internet industry. Under this situation, the situation of “three asymmetries” (asymmetric rules, asymmetric information and asymmetric investment ability) between the Internet industry and international capital markets will become even more prominent. If effective measures can not be taken promptly and for a limited period of time before the accession into the WTO, we can make an institutional arrangement. The potential Internet industry in China, the world’s largest Internet market, will soon be dominated by foreign investors. In order to take the initiative in the upcoming competition, preparations should be made in the following four aspects: Firstly, the following major elements should be analyzed and researched promptly; the development of the Internet industry and the status quo of the Internet industry in China; and the developed countries’ normative management of the Internet.
早期发现艾滋病有利于病人的治疗和周围群的防护,艾滋病早期临床表现有某些危险信号,值得警惕。当受到艾滋病病毒的感染后,开始 Early detection of AIDS is conducive to
SARS有如猛兽,现在又来了洪水。洪水猛兽是否会狼狈为奸 SARS is like a beast, and now it’s flooding again. Whether the scourge of colossus will act in unison
[目的]观察乌司他丁对严重烧伤患者血清C反应蛋白(C-reactive protein CRP)、降钙素原(Procalci-tonin,PCT)及脓毒症发生的影响。[方法]将严重程度相当的重度以上烧伤住院患
目前,从一些媒体报道看,因违法违纪被纪检部门“双规”或移送司法机关查处的人大代表,对其代表职务的处置,有的由相关人大常委会罢免,有的则是自行辞职。有人指出,作为一种惩戒措施,人大常委会应当启动罢免程序,而不可以轻描淡写地接受辞职。    安徽省芜湖市三山区人大常委会滕修福准予辞职让其逃避惩戒不妥    为什么同是违法违纪,其代表职务有的是罢免,有的则是接受辞职?笔者知道,因违法违纪的人大代表的代表