
来源 :辽宁师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjdoris1
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在配位化学教学中面临的一个实际问题,即关于配合物异构体绝对构型的确定和表示方法。1980年中国化学会《无机化学命名原则》中将几何异构体命名为顺式,反式,面式,径式……。在对多种配体形成的配合物,或螯合物中的几何异构体和手性异构体命名时采用位次标志来标明配合物中配体的相对空间位置。然而,对IUPAC所规定的配合物绝对构型的命名和化学文摘中采用的绝对构型的命名并未提及。本文对如何在配位化学教学中解决绝对构型的确定和表示方法,进行了初步教学实践的总结。对学生掌握配合物的绝对构型,对树立起一个较全面的正确的立体观念并掌握分析配合物绝对构型的客观方法等方面取得了一定的效果。现将这方面的教学实践和体会总结如下,征求各界意见,以利于改进教学。 One of the practical problems faced in coordination chemistry teaching is the determination and representation of the absolute configuration of the complex isomers. 1980 Chinese Chemical Society “principle of nomenclature of inorganic compounds,” the name of geometric isomers cis, trans, surface, radial ... .... The positions of the ligands in the complex are indicated by the position markers when the ligands formed by the various ligands or the geometric isomers and the chiral isomers in the chelate are designated. However, the nomenclature for the absolute configuration of complexes specified by IUPAC and the nomenclature used for absolute configuration in chemical abstracts are not mentioned. This article summarizes how to solve the absolute configuration in the teaching of coordination chemistry and how to express it. The students master the absolute configuration of the complex, to establish a more comprehensive view of the correct concept and grasp the absolute structure of the analytic methods such as the objective methods have achieved some results. Now this teaching practice and experience summarized as follows, solicit opinions from all walks of life, in order to facilitate the improvement of teaching.
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本文阐述了铸钢丸的特点、生产和质量控制以及选用。文章指出:用铸钢丸代替白口铁丸是抛丸技术的重要变革,也是增产节约的重要措施。 This article describes the character