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月,上苍高擎在手的一束灵光,映照在静谧的夜里,散发着悠悠淡雅的清辉。不过,人们不仅渴望月夜的出现,还喜欢月的委婉,月的纯然和月的简约:当黄昏拽着晚霞,挥手送走白昼些许刻意装束过的华丽,那月就会身披夜幔,素面朝天地从山的背后悄然地探出头来。月垂柔曼的光,不时爬满了山岗,挂上树的枝头,又轻轻抚摸大海起伏的胸膛,深深地亲吻着大地淳朴的脸庞。这是月光充满神奇的气场。于是,浩瀚的宇宙开始演绎最为感人的一幕——恢弘的天地在月辉的纯粹中牵手,皎月在天拥厚重、地抱 Month, God grasped a beam of Emmanuel in hand, reflected in the quiet of the night, exudes a long and elegant Qing Hui. However, people are not only desiring the emergence of the moonlit night, but also like the euphemism of the moon, the starkness of the moon, and the simplicity of the moon: when twilight plucks the sunset and waved away some gorgeous dressings in the daytime, Facing heaven and earth from the back of the mountain quietly stuck his head out. Moonlight graceful light, from time to time covered with hills, hanging branches of the tree, but also gently stroking the undulating chest of the sea, deeply kiss the face of earth honest. This is the moon filled with magical aura. As a result, the vast universe began to interpret the most touching scene - a magnificent world in the moonlight purely in hand, bright moon in the sky thick, hugging
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