Integrated transcriptome and metabolite profiling highlights the role of benzoxazinoids in wheat res

来源 :作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huhuhuhuanguo
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Fusarium crown rot(FCR),caused by Fusarium spp.,is a chronic and severe plant disease worldwide.In the last years,the incidence and severity of FCR in China has increased to the point that it is now consid-ered a threat to local wheat crops.In this study,for the first time,the metabolites and transcripts respon-sive to FCR infection in the partial resistant wheat cultivar 04 Zhong 36(04z36)and susceptible cultivar Xinmai 26(XM)were investigated and compared at 20 and 25 days post inoculation(dpi).A total of 443 metabolites were detected,of which 102 were significantly changed because of pathogen colonization.Most of these 102 metabolites belonged to the flavonoid,phenolic acid,amino acid and derivative classes.Some metabolites,such as proline betaine,lauric acid,ribitol,and arabitol,were stably induced by Fusarium pseudograminearum(Fp)infection at two time points and may have important roles in FCR resis-tance.In line with the reduced seedling height of 04z36 and XM plants,RNA-seq analysis revealed that FCR infection significantly affected the photosynthesis activities in two cultivars.Furthermore,15 jas-monate ZIM-domain genes(JAZ)in the significantly enriched\'regulation of jasmonic acid mediated sig-naling pathway\'in 04z36 were down-regulated.The down-regulation of these JAZ genes in 04z36 may cause a strong activation of the jasmonate signaling pathway.Based on combined data from gene expres-sion and metabolite profiles,two metabolites,benzoxazolin-2-one(BOA)and 6-methoxy-benzoxazolin-2-one(MBOA),involved in the benzoxazinoid-biosynthesis pathway,were tested for their effects on FCR resistance.Both BOA and MBOA significantly reduced fungal growth in vitro and in vivo,and,thus,a higher content of BOA and MBOA in 04z36 may contribute to FCR resistance.Above all,the current anal-ysis extends our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of FCR resistance/susceptibility in wheat and will benefit further efforts for the genetic improvement of disease resistance.
为研究林窗干扰对呼伦贝尔沙地樟子松人工林林下更新特征的影响,在施业区内选取不同大小林窗20个,对林窗内更新苗特征进行调查,通过灰色关联度分析法对更新的影响因子进行分析.结果表明:林窗下更新影响因子关联度排序由大到小依次为林窗面积、林窗开敞度、枯落物厚度,表明林窗面积对林窗更新影响显著.樟子松幼苗更新密度在林窗面积为50~80 m2时最大.林窗内更新苗以低矮植株(50 cm以下)为主、冠幅以10 cm以下为主,年龄多为1年生及2年生幼苗.樟子松更新苗在林窗东南或西南方向群聚生长.
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