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建国后,斯大林于1952年秋就建议中国尽快进行全民选举和制定宪法。他对当时访问莫斯科的刘少奇说:“你们不制定宪法,不进行选举,敌人可以利用两种方法向工农群众进行宣传反对你们:一是说你们的政府不是人民选举的;二是说你们国家没有宪法。在宪法中可以规定:第一,全体人民,包括资本家、富农在内,均有选举权;第二,承认企业主和富农的财产权;第三,承认外国人在中国的企业的租借权。这些事实在中国都是存在的,并不妨碍你们搞宪法。我想你们可以在1954年搞选举和宪法。” 1953年初,制定宪法、全国选举等大事便摆到中共中央的紧要议事日程上,也成为全国上下关注的热点。毛泽东、刘少奇、周恩来等纷纷在各种场合讲述这些问题,党中央和人民政府的工作也围绕这些要事展开。 1月13日,在北京召开了中央人民政府委员会第二十次会议。 After the founding of the People’s Republic, Stalin suggested in the autumn of 1952 that China should conduct the general election as soon as possible and formulate a constitution. Liu Shaoqi, who was visiting Moscow at that time, said: “You do not have a constitution and do not hold elections. The enemy can use two methods to propagandize the workers and peasants to oppose you: first, to say that your government is not elected by the people; second, to say that your country has no Constitution, which stipulates that: First, all people, including capitalists and rich peasants, should have the right to vote; secondly, to recognize the property rights of business owners and rich peasants; and thirdly, to recognize the right of foreigners to lease enterprises in China. These facts exist in China and do not prevent you from engaging in the constitution, and I think you can hold elections and the constitution in 1954. ”In early 1953, major issues such as the formulation of the Constitution and the national election were put on the agenda of the CPC Central Committee, Has also become the focus of attention throughout the country. Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and Zhou Enlai all talked about these issues in various occasions. The work of the party Central Committee and the people’s government also revolves around these important issues. On January 13, the 20th meeting of the Central People’s Government Committee was held in Beijing.
社区居民委员会相继依法照章成立后,即可举行相应的授揭牌仪式,正式挂牌办公。 这一环节主要制发牌匾: 1、《中国共产党 市(县、区) 社区党委(支部)》;2、(《 市(县、区) 社
严重创 (烧 )伤、感染、中毒常引起急性肺损伤 (Acutelunginjury ,ALI) ,近年认为ALI的实质是一个炎症反应和毛细血管通透性增加综合征[1 ] 。其中由炎性细胞因子 (Inflammat
新兵集训后,我分到中队不久,第一次经受了水与火、生与死的考验。 After recruiting new recruits, I assigned to the squadron soon, the first time withstand the test
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