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在小学语文教学的过程中,童话是一种常见的文学形式,受到学生的喜爱,对学生的成长具有重要的教育意义。童话能够培养学生的想象力,促进学生思维能力的扩展,促使学生形成美好的心灵。在小学语文教学中,童话教学作为重要的组成部分,具有重要的位置。随着新课程改革的不断深入,在童话教学中存在一些误区,导致童话教学没有达到应有的教学效果。因此,在小学语文教学的过程中,教师应当采取有效的措施走出教学误区,提高童话教学的质量。本文对童话教学走出误区的方式进行探索。 In the process of Chinese teaching in primary schools, fairy tales are a common form of literature, loved by students and have an important educational meaning for students’ growth. The fairy tale can cultivate students ’imagination, promote the expansion of students’ thinking ability, and promote students to form a beautiful heart. In primary Chinese teaching, fairy tale teaching as an important part, has an important position. With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, there are some misunderstandings in the teaching of fairy tales, which leads to the teaching of fairy tales failing to achieve the proper teaching effect. Therefore, during the process of Chinese teaching in primary schools, teachers should take effective measures to get out of the erroneous teaching and improve the teaching quality of fairy tales. This article explores the ways in which fairy tale teaching goes out of misunderstanding.
In our English teaching process,we may find some problematic sounds in the students’pronunciation affected by our Chinese language.How does this happen and wha
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兔哥哥和兔弟弟可贪玩了,他们玩起来啊,可以什么都不顾。  有一天,兔哥哥和兔弟弟在草坪上玩警察捉小偷的游戏。兔弟弟是小偷,兔哥哥是警察。兔哥哥拼命追着兔弟弟,兔弟弟一直往前冲。弟弟边跑边回头看身后的哥哥,哥哥离他还有大段的距离呢!他就有点得意洋洋了,大声喊道:“你跑得太慢了,根本不可能追上我。哈哈……”于是,骄傲的兔弟弟真的闭着眼睛往前跑。  兔哥哥紧紧地跟在后面,不服气地说:“你别高兴得太早,我