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   I lost my money yesterday. I had put it in the desk in my bedroom, but now it’s not there. I was very sad about it.
  I went into my mother’s room and said,“Mum, I put the money in the bedroom. But now it is not there.”“Is it in your pocket?” asked Mum . “No.” “Is it in your bag?” “No, Mum.” I felt sad again.
  Suddenly Mum shouted, “What’s that in your hand?” “Oh, my god!” I was so happy and said, “The money is in my hand!”
  昆山市实验小学 四(5)班 马海天
  Hello, everybody. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Steven Zheng. I’m a nine-year-old boy. My phone number is 64163366. You can give me a call anytime. My e-mail is steven@hotmail.com. You can also send me an e-mail. I like playing basketball. My favorite athlete is Yao Ming.
  Who’s your favorite athlete? Tell me something about yourself.
  上海市高安路第一小学 三(8)班 郑嘉伟
  When I was still a baby, I liked dancing very much. When I was in kindergarten, I began to learn dancing. One day, I said to my mother, “Mum, I have a dream. My dream is to be a dancer.”
  I am a member of our school’s dancing team. Last year, we took part in a dancing competition. We practiced very hard. Sometimes we practiced for seven hours a day. I felt very tired. But when we finally got the first prize, I was very happy.
  Now I can dance better and better. I hope I will become an excellent dancer in the future.
  深圳市福田区绿洲小学 五(4)班 潘瑗
  Today, there are so many delicious snacks and foods. So, many people become fatter and fatter.However, most of these people have gone on a diet.
  Some people think that go on a diet is the most useful way to make themselves not so fat.Sometimes I think so .Go on a diet to some extent is good for you.But there’re also some people think that go on a diet isn’t a good thingbecause there’re some people who don’t eat anything all day. They want to make themselves more beautiful .
  In my opinion, if you want to be thinner, you had better do more exercises.
  Health is everything.
  上海市第一中学 初一(3)班琚正怡
  Hi! I’m a small mouse. My name is Jack. I’m grey. I’m clever. I like eating. Mike is my best friend. He’s a big cat. Do you know why we can become good friends?
  Last Monday, I was playing with my sister. Suddenly, a big cat came. He said, “Hi! Lovely mice!” “Don’t eat us!” I said. He said, “Why do I eat you? You are so lovely!” I was very surprised, and said, “You think we are lovely?”“Yes!” he said, “Can I play with you?”I looked at my sister. I didn’t know how I could answer! At last, I said, “O.K.”So we had played for an hour. We were both very happy.
  Since then, Mike and I are the best friends!
  上海市盛大花园小学 四(3)班 印逸君
圣诞忆旧集:将灵魂安栖在圣诞树下    作者:杜鲁门·卡坡蒂(美国)  这是一本有关爱和纯真的书,但是字字却又隐现着匮乏和荒凉,温暖中带有刺痛,某种美好的东西正在消失,不复存在,这在卡坡蒂的小说中,不仅仅是主题,已经成为了一种语气。  卡坡蒂独有的迷人的语气。在他的小说里,每个人都是孩子,怀着温软的童心,用错愕的眼神打量着世界。世界是陌生而冷酷的。坚强而活泼的内心是如何对抗风雨如晦的恶劣世界的,他
他是中国保险公估第一张牌照持有人。面对行业危局,他一度想过放弃,但最终选择前行。如今,在新的平台上,他要一展抱负,把自己的保险公估梦想变为现实。    梦想起航    时间2008年12月18日 地点:深圳  事件:泛华保险公估有限公司成立  2009年12月18日,对中国来说是一个非常特殊的日子,因为在30年前的今天,中国改革开放正是在深圳拉开了帷幕。也许是巧合,也许是泛华保险公估特意选择这个
2008年,我国改革开放30周年,也是保险业改革开放30周年。在这一年里,金融风暴改写了世界经济的历史。而这一年的不寻常也时刻撞击、改变着中国保险业。  年初的中国南方冰冻灾害,5月的汶川大地震,7月的奥运会,9月的美国华尔街动荡并引发至全球的金融危机,11月的中国政府4万亿投资计划……每一件事都考验着中国保险业。  金融危机肆虐全球,A股迈着“熊”步上演一次又一次暴跌行情。股市滑铁卢,退保大海啸
喜欢把一件事情做到极致已经成为日常的习惯,她获得不俗的成绩并非偶然。    晚秋寒意甚浓的清晨,北京国寿海淀支公司大楼门前,泛黄的树叶在街头轻舞,进出大门的职业装人流如织,她们都是岳兰的伙伴。  一个职业女性迎面而来。淡蓝色的工作套装,还有漾满一脸的灿烂笑容。她的随意其实是带着精致的:似随意却有致的头发,不露痕迹的淡妆,职业微笑里自信十足。48周岁的她,正在计划打造中国人寿第一大综合型支公司。  
你有哪种小动作  很多人都有自己的习惯动作,你的习惯小动作是什么?从这些小动作,还能看出一些性格特点呢!来看看你属于哪一种  You like showing yourself. You will never give up after setting your goal.  你喜欢表现自己,认准目标后决不后退    You prefer a peaceful life. All your cla
大家都知道,英语中有许多时态,而时态的变化,大多是靠动词形式的变化来体现的在上一期中,咱们讲了现在进行时今天,棒棒再把“一般现在时”请出来,看看它有什么特点,希望大家以后不要再被它难倒噢!  一般现在时功用揭秘:  1.表示一直发生的事情,或者经常发生的动作句子中常出现every day, often, usually, always等词    如:I get up at 8 o’clock ev
Billy: Hi, Nancy! What's going on?  Nancy: I'm learning photography these months.  Billy: Really? I tried photography last year. But I was never any good.
晚上做完作业,洗漱好以后坐在床上看故事书,那是多么享受的事情啊!你爱看书吗?今天,咱们就一起在图中找到下面这些东西,并背背单词吧。  注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文
在一座平凡的小镇上,有一天来了一位遗传工程学家尤教授(Professor Utonium),他想用蜜糖香料以及一切甜蜜美好的材料,制造出世界上最完美的小女孩    可是,他不小心把一种神秘的化学元素X (Chemical X)也加了进去,结果造出三个虽然可爱甜美,却拥有强大力量的飞天小女警她们与破坏小镇的魔人啾啾(Mojo Jojo)毛茸怪兽(Fuzzy Lumkins)等坏蛋进行着一次又一次的战