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读过《水浒传》诸君,我请问一个问题:书中第一个被杀的人是谁?恐怕说不上来的人不少。这个人叫王四,在第二回被九纹龙史进所杀。这个王四是史进庄上的一个庄客,因“颇能答应官府、口舌灵便”,被满庄人叫做“赛伯当”。这里的“伯当”当是隋末那个在少华山当过绿林好汉的王伯当。这“赛伯当”的外号合适不合适我们先不去说它,只说这王四受“通匪”的史进差遣上少华山给朱武等三位头领送礼送信邀请中秋夜做客,喝多了酒,回庄时醉卧林中,被人拿走朱武回信去告密。王四酒醒发现书信不见,也深知关系重大,便动起了他那灵活聪明的脑袋想好了对策,回庄后当史进问起为什么没回书时,他便头头是道地回答:三位头领要写回书,是小人不让写回书,怕路上失支脱节不是耍处。听得史进大喜:“不枉了诸人叫做‘赛伯当’,真个了得!”谁知,中秋夜官府依告密信按图索骥,把史进和少华山三个头领围个正着,害得史进烧了庄院上了少华山,“赛伯当”的生路也到了头。 Have read “Water Margin” gentlemen, I ask a question: Who is the first person killed in the book? I am afraid that many people can not tell. This person is called the king four, in the second back was killed by nine patterns dragon history. The king is a history of Zhuang Zhuang Zhuang, because “quite promised to the government, Lingling Ling,” was filled Zhuang called “cybercity.” Here the “Beidang” is the Sui at that time in Shaolin has become a green man hero. This nickname “cybercorn” is not suitable for us not to say it first, but to say that the king was sent by the history of “gangster” dispatched to less than three mountain leaders Zhu Wu and other three leaders send a letter inviting the Mid-Autumn Night guest, Drunk more wine, drunk when back to Zhuang Zhuang Zhu, Zhu Wu was taken away by letter to tell the public. King sommelier found correspondence, but also aware of the great relationship, they moved his flexible and clever head and think of a good strategy, when the back to the village when asked why the history did not answer the book, he would first and foremost answered: three Bit leader to write back the book, the villain is not allowed to write back the book, afraid of missing from the road out of line is not playing. Listen to the history of the overjoyed: “worthless of the people called ’cybercotton’ really amazing!” Who knows, according to the Mid-Autumn Night official according to secret plans, the history and less Huashan three head circumference, Harm the history into burning Zhuangyuan on the less Huashan, “Saber when” the road has come to an end.
被月光温柔打动单调的日子一天天地重复, 我发现自己已经很可悲地丧失了对生活的一份必需的细腻和敏感。除非必要,我常常不知今夕何夕。所以,每逢月明之夜,无意间邂逅了天宇
年画,就是与年俗有关的版画,也是过年期间特有的民间工艺。它的起源和春联一样,都和古代的桃符有关。应劭的《风俗通义》 “祀典”中引《黄帝书》:"上古之时,神荼与郁垒昆弟
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