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“扬早豇12”是扬州市蔬菜研究所1992年育成、1994年通过审定的早熟豇豆品种。现已推广到江苏、浙江、安徽、湖北、福建、云南、四川等十几个省,各地试种良好。一、品种特征特性该品种蔓长3.2 m,分枝弱,长势中等。相同情况下,叶片、种子较“之豇28-2”略小。主蔓第三、四节开花结荚,以主蔓挂荚为主,单株结荚18个以上。荚色与之豇28-2相似。鲜荚平均长55~65 cm,每荚18~21粒籽,且肉质厚而紧密,较之豇28-2耐老化,无鼠尾。早春播种到结荚只需50~55天。前期产量比之豇28-2高20%以上,总产量比之豇28-2高10%,适宜春季早熟栽培。二、栽培要点 (一)育苗早春大棚栽培可进行育苗移栽。长江中下游地区以2月底至3月初为最佳播期,华北地区以3月上旬为宜。育苗移栽可采用营养钵育苗。播种后保持棚温25~ “Yang early asparagus 12 ” is the Yangzhou Vegetable Research Institute bred in 1992, in 1994 passed the examination of precocious cowpea varieties. Has been extended to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Fujian, Yunnan, Sichuan and a dozen provinces, all over the good test. First, the characteristics of variety characteristics The variety of vine length 3.2 m, weak branches, growing medium. Under the same conditions, leaves, seeds, “cowpea 28-2 ” slightly smaller. The main vine third, four flowering pod, the main vine hanging pods, pods more than 18 individual. The pod color is similar to the cowpea 28-2. Fresh pods average length of 55 ~ 65 cm, 18 to 21 seeds per pod, and meat thick and close, compared with the cowpea 28-2 anti-aging, no rat tail. Sowing in early spring to pod only 50 to 55 days. Pre-production of more than 20% higher than the cowpea 28-2, the total output of 10% higher than the cowpea 28-2, suitable for early spring cultivation. Second, the main points of cultivation (A) seedling cultivation in early spring can be transplanting seedlings. The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River to the end of February to early March as the best sowing, North China in early March is appropriate. Seedling transplanting can adopt nutrition bowl nursery. After sowing shed temperature 25 ~
近日 ,攀钢正式出台并实施新的招标管理办法。该“办法”规定 :攀钢所需的成套设备、批量备品备件、大宗原燃料、大耗量辅助材料等物资的采购及基建工程的施工承包等必须全部
根据岩石爆破破碎原理提出了煤巷掘进“双小”(小直径炮眼和小直径药卷 )爆破参数的理论计算方法 ,在此理论研究的基础上进行了现场试验。结果表明 :合理的“双小”直径为 ,