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钱钟书先生提出的“化境”说,是我国翻译理论史上继严复的“信、达、雅”说、傅雷的“神似”说后的又一里程碑。“化”不仅是翻译标准,又是翻译手段。而杨必先生翻译的《名利场》用这一标准来衡量,可说是一部入于“化境”的优秀译作。本文拟从词语的翻译、结构的转换和语序的安排三方面,通过具体译例进行分析,看它是如何采用“化”的手段,将作品翻译得出神入化的。 The “transitional” theory put forward by Mr. Qian Zhongshu is another milestone in the history of translation theory following that of Yan Fu, “Faith, Darcy, and Grace” and that of Fu Lei’s “God Likeness”. “化 ” is not only a translation standard, but also a means of translation. The “Vanity Fair” translated by Mr. Yang Bi is measured by this standard and can be said to be an excellent translation into the “context”. This article intends to analyze the translation from the three aspects of the word structure, the structure of the order and the order of the order, through specific translation examples, to see how it adopts “” means, the translation of the work is superb.
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Kenneth Rexroth was a renowned American contemporary poet, translator, and one of the starters of San Francisco Poetic Center. He was quite learned and versatile, grasping several foreign languages. H