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   1. ____ you mind ____ me the way?
   A. Would; to tell B. Would; telling
   C. Will; tell D. Will; to tell
   2. ——Would you mind if I smoke?
   A. Yes, please do B. Not at all
   C. All right D. That’s OK
   3. I’ll do it ____.
   A. just now B. right away
   C. after a few minute D. just then
   4. I’ll be ready ____ a minute.
   A. on B. at C. for D. in
   5. He is ____ a meeting.
   A. have B. has C. at D. on
   6. ——Can you get me a ticket for the match?
   A. Sorry, no problem B. Certainly, no problem
   C. Excuse me, I can’t D. Certainly, not problem
   7. The watch was ____ well.
   A. work B. working C. doing D. playing
   8. The passengers were ____ in line to get on the train.
   A. waiting B. cross C. in D. going
   9. Your questions ____ me very much.
   A. bother B. vex C. annoy D. irritate
  10. Games are ____ for health.
   A. good B. well C. better D. best
  11. The beggar’s story ____ my pity.
   A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excitement
  12. The master got ____ with your answer.
   A. anger B. angrily C. angry D. the anger
  13. I paid a ____ because my library book was overdue.
   A. fine B. good C. much D. well
  14. You should throw ____ these chairs and buy new ____.
   A. off; ones B. away; one C. away; ones D. out; one
  15. I’m ____ sorry about it.
   A. truly B. truely C. true D. real
  1. Okay. I’m sorry.
  2. It’s too loud.
  3. Yes, I should.
  4. No. I’d love to.
  5. No problem.
  (a) Thanks for helping!
  (b) You’d better see a doctor.
  (c) Could you please turn off the radio?
  (d) Why don’t you like heavy metal music?
  (e) Would you mind going with me?
  1. To turn down means to make smaller.
  2. To turn down means to reduce.
  3. Would means must.
  4. To annoy means to make somebody sad.
  5. You must have scissors to cut in line.
  Ⅳ.Form sentences.组句 (注意大小写和标点符号)
   1. your room, mind, clean, would, you
   2. get annoyed, I, when, talk to me, someone, reading, I am, while
   3. to get a Snoopy doll, for two hours, in line, stood, we
   4. students, so badly, wanted, the dolls, they, their studies, thinking
   about, were, not
   5. pay a big fine, the Guangzhou government, wanted, Mc Donald’s, to
  The Strangest Friday
  Have you e____ imagined changing places with your mum or dad? What would it be like if you were inside someone else’s body?
  It may never h____ in real life, but it does come t____ in the Disney (迪斯尼) movie “Freaky Friday”(怪诞星期五).
  Ann, a 15-year-old girl, and her mother, Tess, a single-parent, always a____. Tess doesn’t u____ why Ann loves rock’n’roll(摇滚) so much, while Ann is u____ about her mother’s new marriage.
  One Thursday, they have some m____ cookies at a Chinese restaurant. Strange things start to happen. The next morning, they find themselves i____ each other’s body. The mother and daughter have changed roles! But they have to c____ back before the mother’s wedding(婚礼) on Saturday. Many funny things happen on Friday…
  This funny film teaches us to see the world t____ the other’s eyes.
1. spend, take, cost, pay    这四个词都有“花费”的意思,但用法有所不同。spend可用来指花时间和金钱,它的主语只能是表示人的词语,常用于spend time/money (in) doing sth.或spend time/money on sth. 这两种形式。例如:  He often spends his spare time (in) helping his
为什么英美国家的“汤”(soup)不能“喝”(drink)?  吃饭时喝汤是中国人的饮食习惯。人们几乎天天都在说“喝汤”,这是汉语中最常见、最规范的习语。可你知道吗,在英语里,“汤”绝对不能“喝”,就是说,drink(喝)不能和soup(汤)搭配,不能说drink soup(喝汤)。英语习惯说“吃汤”(eat soup)。这主要有以下几个方面的原因:  1.因为西餐里的汤一般很稠,汤里有奶油、肉、
Ⅰ.单项选择     1. I went to the beach. Where did you go ____ the school trip?  A. onB. forC. withD. in   2. If I have seven days ____, I’d like to go to Beijing.  A. longB. offC. onD. with   3. I don’t th
1.raise  解读动词,在中学课本中主要出现以下几种意思:  ①举起,使升高  He raised his head and looked at me. 他抬起头看着我。  At the party we all raised our glasses to her.   在聚会上,我们都举杯祝她健康。  ②种植,饲养  The rich farmland is used for raising
1.“I have said it a hundred times. we need team work, always seek the best in others. The purpose of this trip, is to train our team in a real situation and to test our new members. Those deserving sp
南京市玄武区外国语学校学生吴雯,在去年全市组织的初中升高中考试中,以707分(含10分加分)的总分成绩,荣获2007年南京市中考总分状元称号。  “灯下纸上,孜孜以求,永不懈怠;沙坑跑道,竭尽全力,拼搏奋进;付出汗水,收获快乐,冲破风雨磨砺;摒弃哭泣,选择微笑,接受阳光洗礼。清秀、安静、却不失活力;谦虚、内敛,却有颗坚强的心。同学眼中,她是课后助人解疑的身影;老师心中,她是失败后抹去泪水的微笑”。
We’ve always been told it’s true, but now experts have proved that money really can’t buy you happiness.   They quizzed jackpot winners and came up with 10 tips to keep you feeling on top of the world
Ⅰ.Complete the following words we’ve learned in this unit.根据本单元所学词汇,补全下列单词。  1._oll_ _t2.sh_ll  3.s_ve_al4.p_lar  5.b_mb_ _6.c_mm_n  7.d_scr_be8.p_l_te  9._il_age10.p_ _ti_ul_ _ly  Ⅱ.Look at the follo
Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 (每小题1分,共5分)     1. I’d like to take the s____ to school.   2. Would you like to travel by bus or by t____?    3. Mike rides his bike to the bus s____.   4. It takes me about 25 m____
Ⅰ.Now you must go out, and you should ask your sister to do some housework for you, please tell her what she need to do politely.(给妹妹留个口信,告诉她为你做一些家务活。)(10分)  Here is the list of your requests:    clea