Fabrication of Meander and Spiral Type Micro Inductors

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsu_mike
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TO obtain microstructure of magnetic devices, the thin film inductors were fabricated by the process such as thin film manufacturing, photolithography and wet etching. The frequency characteristics of these devices are measured at high frequency range. When the inductor sizes of the spiral and the meander type are same, the inductance and the quality factor of the spiral type inductor are larger than those of the meander type inductor, but the driving frequency of the spiral type inductor is lower than that of the meander typejinductor. TO obtain microstructure of magnetic devices, the thin film inductors were fabricated by the process such as thin film manufacturing, photolithography and wet etching. The frequency characteristics of these devices are measured at high frequency range. When the inductor sizes of the spiral and the meander type are same, the inductance and the quality factor of the spiral type inductor are larger than those of the meander type inductor, but the driving frequency of the spiral type inductor is lower than that of the meander type connector.
珍贵药材同其他药材一样,在贮存过程中由于受到外界环境的影响,易发生质变,影响临床疗效。那么如何防治呢? 一、虫蛀的防治1 1.贮存室杀虫,即将房间密闭,用药物喷洒或熏蒸,
[病例413] 患者40岁,男,初诊于1971年7月29日。病历;患者肥胖。脸色一般。主诉10年来全身患湿疹而难受。湿疹开始出现于脚部,以后扩大至全身,呈猩红热样,全身发红,斑点状发
序号会议名称主要内容时间会期 (天 )地点联系人电话1真空科技继续教育培训班(1)真空科技理论基础(2 )真空科技高新技术 11月 2周南京江 南 (0 2 5) 3792 76 42真空技术讲座
芸香(Ruta graveolens L.)在英、法、中、越、印度、南非等许多国家用作堕胎药和治痛经药。其热水提取物于摄入12—24h后可致堕胎,但有呕吐、腹痛、谵妄、震颤及导致死亡的
[病例442] 患者63岁,女。病历:体格、营养一般,血压高。前年眼底出过血。去年1月跌倒引起言语障碍。大小便不能随意控制。血压150/100。治疗:针对上火倾向让服温清炊,服14日