认真贯彻落实档案法规 完善学校档案管理工作

来源 :河北教育(综合版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caacmis487
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档案管理工作是学校建设的重要组成部分,对于领导者全面了解掌握信息资料、研究处理重大问题、进行科学决策具有重要意义。然而长期以来,部分学校对档案管理工作不够重视,学校档案管理设施及管理模式严重滞后,距国家相关法律法规的要求及社会对档案利用的需求相差甚远,影响到了学校的全面协调可持续发展。为此,本刊特刊发刘晓利同志的文章,从法律意识、管理队伍以及管理体系建设三个方面,阐述了依法治档,保证和促进成学校档案管理工作健康发展,使之为学校建设和社会发展发挥应有作用的重要意义,希望能引起各级各类学校管理工作者的重视。 Archives management is an important part of school construction. It is of great significance to the leaders to have a comprehensive understanding of the information and materials, to study and handle major issues, and to make scientific decisions. However, for a long time, some schools did not pay enough attention to the management of archives. The school archives management facilities and management models lagged far behind. They were far from the requirements of relevant state laws and regulations and the needs of the community for the use of archives, affecting the overall, coordinated and sustainable development of schools . To this end, the issue of special publication of Comrade Liu Xiaoli’s article, from the legal awareness, management team and management system construction, described in accordance with the law governing the file, to ensure and promote the healthy development of the school file management work, making it for school construction and society Development plays its due role in the important meaning, hoping to arouse the attention of all kinds of school management workers at all levels.
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