On the interestingness and color of packaging

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  Some time ago to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou were investigated on the packaging design course of physical packaging, to these places, big city to open our eyes, attracted me the most number of packaging is the most beautiful packaging color and rich taste!
  I think the most important thing in the package design is emotional coloring!
  In the packaging design, the color is an important element to convey emotion, because the physical properties of its own, so the color has a strong emotional expression in people's feelings, to encourage consumers to produce unlimited reverie of color, and can lead to consumer emotional activities. In the process of packaging design, the emotional tone of different colors is different, and the emotion information represented is different. For example, different colors give people a sense of temperature, weight, soft and hard feeling, or sense of distance, and consumers can feel comfortable or tired, or sad or happy, depending on the color. In addition, different people have for the emotional color is different, children love bright colors, colorful colors, such as yellow, orange, red and other colors; young people favor bright, warm, bright color; middle-aged people don't need to turn to a simple, rich and elegant; and the elderly are blue and grey black color series. Packaging design commonly used color light and shade, and combined with the emotional information they contain, to show the characteristics of the goods. For example, air conditioners, refrigerators, electric fan is the function of refrigeration, so designers often to the packaging of goods by people to see the cold, icy cold tone will have the emotional feeling. While in the food packaging, it takes full advantage of the warm tone to bring warm emotional information, so as to stimulate the audience's appetite increases. Therefore, in the modern commodity packaging design, designers should pay special attention to the emotional information contained in the color, and make full use of this, so as to promote the sale of goods.
  The modern packaging design in addition to meet the basic practical function of packaging, but also reflects the design aesthetic, aesthetic value, aesthetic information dissemination of art and design, so that the packaging of goods to achieve the dual state of both practical and beautiful. In the process of commodity packaging design, color is the best way to show beauty, and it reveals the aesthetic features and essence of things. Specifically, the aesthetic value of modern packaging design color embodied in these aspects of packaging beautiful shape, the beauty of the era and decorative beauty, and can directly reflect the audience's aesthetic attitude and wonderfull life taste. In this sense, color is the carrier of people's material life and spiritual life. Reproduction brought by the color appearance of commodity packaging is the designer of craftsmanship, but also the consumers' psychological pursuit of this kind of phenomenon is generated based on the designers and consumers of goods consistent with the needs of the aesthetic. Therefore, designers should pay attention to the beauty and perception of beauty in their daily life, and continue to experience the beauty of design so as to enrich the aesthetic connotation of color. In a word, the color is one of the most rich aesthetic value of artistic language in the packaging design process, designers rely on their rich and unique art and design ideas for different packaging using color different forms of packaging, which will be the aesthetic consciousness of color display incisively, expressing the designer's aesthetic ideal, to a certain extent arouse the consumer's aesthetic taste.   As for the M-MAX packaging, I personally like the mix of color and fun, and vividly crowd coffee beans and nuts to attract customers and boost sales!
  In order to better design a more interesting package design, it is necessary to fully understand the relevant design categories. Among all kinds of design schemes, this kind of packaging has been a hot field in packaging design, and has a large proportion in the market. It is also popular with people. Through a lot of research, summarizes the types of the packaging design, and to make these categories to analyze and describe the designer, hope to better understand this concept, better packaging design. Specifically, this package design can be summarized into the following types: first, novel. Many goods in the packaging often adopt unconventional design fees, with the characteristics of anti normal, the use of new ways of expression to achieve interesting results. A lot of packaging will give people an unexpected visual experience, so that people feel a funny feeling. In short, this concept is reflected unexpectedly, let people experience the extraordinary visual experience, enhance the attractiveness of goods, to bring people to the surprise, so that people feel interesting emotion initiation. Second, funny type. This design is mainly through the exaggerated expression, can also make use of personification and metaphor and other techniques, let people enjoy the pleasure in work and life, thereby reducing the pressure of the people, will naturally arouse people's favor, let them get interesting experience. This humorous expression can reflect the human touch of the commodity and convey a healthy concept of life to people, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. In addition, many funny types of packaging design have different levels of comedy factors, or use people's common forms of games to relax people's minds, and then make them intoxicated. Third, vivid. This type of design usually works
【摘要】:筷子是中国人日常生活中必不可少的一种餐具,在中华文化传承中扮演着举足轻重的角色,据记载,中国是最早使用筷子的国家,显示了中国传统器具设计的文化特征,也见证了中国文明的发展历程,看似普通的筷子蕴藏着开启中华传统文化宝库的钥匙,对于今天的设计有着深远的影响,筷子是一项找不出设计师,却又不知有多少人下过功夫的中国设计。本文试从筷子的设计角度去了解中国人日常生活中的经典设计。  【关键词】:筷子
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【摘要】:世界上任何一个世纪都不比20世纪的中国那样复杂,是大变革大发展的时期,八国联军侵华、辛亥革命、新文化运动、五四运动、帝国主义的入侵、中国人民的对外抗争、民主与科学思想的传入。随之而来的即是西方现代派艺术对中国传统艺术的冲击,现代性的进程乃世界大势,中国身处其中没有拒绝的自由。西风劲吹、西学认同、传统绘画的西式改变、现代艺术引进中国的不适应。  【关键词】:20世纪;徐悲鸿;徐志摩;现代艺
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