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  The big city Chongqing sits on a land that measures 824,000 square kilometers.
  In recent years, Chongqing has been witnessing a rapid rise in its popularity in the world. However, when I visited London, Paris, Stockholm, Helsinki, New York, Vancouver, Tokyo, Singapore and other major cities of the world, local friends still used to ask: what kind of city is Chongqing?
  If asked to reply in just one sentence, I would only say: Chongqing is a very beautiful city!

  If a few more words are allowed, I would also like to express, Chongqing is a beautiful city of mountains & rivers.
  The parallel ridge-valley area of eastern Sichuan, where Chongqing is located, is the most typical fold mountain region in China and in the world, which features mountains like Jinyun, Gele, Jinfo, Simian, Wuling, Fairy mountains that are sprawling all along and rivers like the Yangtze, Jialing, Wujiang, Qijiang, Daning, Youshui rivers that are flowing by. Sitting at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers, and integrated with mountains and embraced by water, the main urban area of Chongqing has a landscape that appears livelier than that of Paris by the Seine River and London by the Thames. Apart from that, satellite cities like Wanzhou, Fuling, Zhongxian, Wushan and Pengshui all stand for cities of mountains & water.
  On this land, there are the Yangtze River that is comparable to the Nile and the Mississippi in magnificence, the Three Gorges that are equally as majestic as the Grand Canyon in Colorado and East African Rift Valley, Huangshui Primeval Forest that bears the mystery of the Amazon jungle, the Fairy Mountain Meadow that resembles the charm of the Alps.
  Or I should say that the beauty of Chongqing entirely belongs to its own uniqueness.   There are also World Natural Heritages like Wulong Karst and Jinfo Mountain of Nanchuan, the amazing buildings and terrain that have brought Chongqing the reputation as an 8D Magic City, the blend of glamorous night scene and radiant shining stars that creates the view of Downtown Street of Heaven. The idyllic villages, represented by Taohuayuan Scenic Area of Youyang and Xiaonanhai Lake of Qianjiang, are blessed with the scenery of small hills, gurgling streams and lush green vegetation. And the ancient towns, such as Ciqikou and Laitan, have their attractions exhibited in the stone steps, wooden buildings and plain naturalness.

  Chongqing is such a beautiful city of mountains & rivers that inherently constitutes a col- orful natural painting.
  Chongqing is a heroic city with a long history.
  Wushan Man (Home erectus wushanensis), the most ancient human in China, once lived on this land as early as over two million years ago.3000 years ago, here stood the Ba State, a state enfeoffed by the king of the Zhou dynasty.
  After the enthronement of Emperor Guangzong of the Song dynasty in 1189, he renamed the fief he held when he had been the crown prince to Chongqing, meaning the celebration of four generations and his hope to revive the Song Empire. Chongqing has thus acquired this name for over 800 years!

  There has been a wealth of heroes on this land. Ba Manzi of the 4th Century B.C. and Yan Yan of the 2nd Century A.D. were renowned generals that would rather give up their lives than abandon their homes and cities. There has always been the ancient battlefield, especially during the Three Kingdoms era some 1800 years ago,with relics like Baidi Town and Zhangfei Temple still standing to give witness to those beacon fires of the time. The Battle of Fishing Town took place over 800 years ago in present day Hechuan, Chongqing, brought about the spread of gunpowder to Europe, and even influenced the course of medieval history in Europe, Asia and Africa and the process of world civilization. And more than 70 years ago, as the command center of the Far East during WWⅡ,as well as the wartime captical of China and the seat of the provisional Government of Republic of Korea,Chongqing has changed the world pattern with an irreplaceable role.   People in Chongqing have developed their tenacity in their struggle against the harsh conditions, and their optimism is underpinned by the resilience derived from the difficulties they have been through. Thanks to the nine mass migrations to this land, openness and inclusiveness have become part of Chongqing.
  Abounding with stories, Chongqing is a city of heroes, which boasts a long history and profound culture.
  重庆努力争取成为绿色发展、高质量发展的示范,积极建设内陆开放高地。中国国际智能产业博览会(Smart China Expo) 每年在重庆举办,惠普、宏碁、华为、阿里等国际知名IT企业落户重庆,世界上每三台笔记本电脑就有一台在重庆生产,大数据、智能化应用方兴未艾。重庆是一个极具创新活力的城市。
  Chongqing is a city with great dynamism and promise.
  The only municipality that is under the direct jurisdiction of Central Government in western China, Chongqing functions as a crucial strategic stronghold in the Development of Western China, and its location on the junction of the Belt& Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt endows it with an important and special role in China’s opening-up and economic development.
  Chongqing has been in avid pursuit of becoming a model for green and quality development and a leading area of Inland Open Highlands. Smart China Expo is held annually in Chongqing, and with the world renowned IT enterprises like HP, Acer, Huawei, Alibaba having their businesses distributed here, one third of laptop computers in the world are now manufactured in Chongqing, where such industries as big data and intelligent application are also burgeoning. Chongqing is now a city with great innovation.
  As an important gateway to access western China, Chongqing has opened up over 90 international air routes that provide links to cities like Rome, Paris, London, New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Dubai and Sydney in recent years. Via its region, the China-Europe freight trains(the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway) stretch westwards across Eurasia, and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor extends southwards building up bridges between western China and ASEAN. It also has witnessed the implementation of Sino-Singapore Cooperation, the implementation of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and realization of other economic policies, all of which are of big strategic significance.   Chongqing is expected to become a city of opportunity and hope for China and the world in the future.

  Chongqing is a city with artistic glamor.
  Wu Daozi, a famous painter of the Tang dynasty over 1200 years ago, executed a mural featuring the scenery of Jialing River, which won recognition from the emperor of the time.
  Dazu Rock Carvings, a site of the World Cultural Heritage, is known for its grand scale, fine sculptures and rich cultural implications, and represents the apex of the world grotto art between the 9th and 13th centuries.
  Because of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many art institutions and masters of art were relocated to Chongqing in 1930s and 1940s, where renowned artists, such as Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, Lin Fengmian and Fu Baoshi, left behind a large number of excellent works. They also helped cultivate a large number of outstanding students, including Zhao Wuji, Zhu Dequn and Wu Guanzhong, who were dubbed as the Three Musketeers of the Chinese artists learning Western art in France. A painting titled A Hundred Doves created by Zhang Shuqi, was presented to the U.S. president Franklin D.Roosevelt in 1941, and was the first Chinese painting that had been collected by the White House.
  Dandelion, a work of woodcut print by an artist from Chongqing, won awards in Poland and Germany successively in 1950s. Rent Collection Courtyard, a sculptural masterpiece jointly created by a group of Chongqing sculptors in 1960s, was put on exhibition in Germany, U.S., Republic of Korea, Japan and Italy, and has become a magnum opus of the world art circle ever since. Other art styles, from the Scar Art and the Rural Art represented respectively by Why painted in 1970s and Father of the 1980s to present day diversified and cutting-edge contemporary art, have contributed to Chongqing’s key position in the development of Chinese art.
  It is the unique natural scenery and culture that foster the unique art of Chongqing.

  In August 2017, the Terminal 3 of Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport was put to use. We hope the Airport can stand as a place filled with warmth, stories, art and culture and meanwhile, a showcase for the beauty of Chongqing. In view of this, the Airport has invited local artists to create for this terminal a number of works of art concerning the themes of Chongqing. Based on these creations, I have co-worked with Mr. Pang Maokun, a famed painter, in the selection of 79 works that well epitomize the features of Chongqing and China, and compiled them in this picture book titled The Beautiful Landscape of Chongqing in Paintings.
  Art plays the vanguard role in all times, as demonstrated centuries ago that the masterworks like Last Supper, Mona Lisa, Madonna of the Meadow and David ignited the Renaissance and promoted the advance of times. The dissemination of art, especially in public space, is our compelling duty. Therefore, we hope to project to the world the scenic Chongqing, a beautiful city featuring long history, dynamism, openness and innovation, in the form of art with the publication of this book.
3月10日,十三届全国人大四次会议重庆代表团举行全体会议,集中学习习近平总书记在参加十三届全国人大四次会议内蒙古代表团、青海代表团、解放军和武警部队代表团审议和看望参加全国政协十三届四次会议医药卫生界、教育界委员并参加联组会时的重要讲话精神。  全国人大代表、市委书记陈敏尔主持会议并讲话。全国人大代表、市委副书记、市长唐良智,全国人大代表、市人大常委会主任张轩,全国人大代表、市委副书记吴存荣参加会
重庆武隆,集大娄山脉之雄、武陵风光之秀、乌江画廊之幽于一体。这里生态优良、风景绝佳,被誉为“世界喀斯特生态博物馆”,是全国少有的同时拥有“世界自然遗产地”“国家5A级旅游景区”“国家级旅游度假区”“国家全域旅游示范区”四块金字招牌的地区。  然而,这让人神往的喀斯特地貌,却也给武隆带来了蓄水保水的难题。有雨遍坡流,无雨水无踪,当地不少村民都身处“吃水难”“因水贫”的困境。  为尽快打破这一瓶颈,在
3月6日,十三届全国人大四次会议重庆代表团举行全体会议、小组会议,审查国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标纲要草案。  全国人大代表、市委书记陈敏尔,全国人大代表、全国人大常委会委员、全国人大社会建设委员会主任委员何毅亭,全国人大代表、市委副书记、市长唐良智,全国人大代表、市人大常委会主任张轩参加会议。  陈敏尔在发言时说,“十四五”规划纲要草案通篇贯穿习近平新时代中国特色社会主
3月13日,在万州区恒合土家族乡枫木村的古枫香树公园,沿山公路正在拓宽改造,挖掘机轰鸣运转、工程车往来如流;2号、3号民宿已完工,1号民宿正进行主体施工;8个新建的帐篷酒店正在进行基础设施建设……  这是三峡恒合旅游度假区加快建设成为国家级山地旅游度假目的地的热闹场景。  万州区恒合土家族乡平均海拔1200米,气候宜人,风景秀丽,是高山生态旅游的一片热土。正因如此,万州区投资90亿元在这里打造三峡
綦江区石壕镇深入贯彻落实习近平总书记“要把红色资源利用好,把红色传统发扬好,把红色基因传承好”的指示精神,始终践行以人民为中心的发展思想,在高质量发展的道路上砥砺前行。  “凝心聚力抓发展,培根铸魂再起飞,促转型升级,建美丽石壕。”綦江区石壕镇相关负责人说。  行民生之实 走好脱贫路  民生无小事。石壕镇下足“绣花功夫”,狠抓脱贫攻坚,以不获全胜决不收兵的决心,聚焦解决“两不愁三保障”突出问题。 
富民银行作为中西部首家获批开业的民营银行,对中小微企业具有天然的亲近感,在金融服务方面给予了定制化考虑。富民银行依托金融科技手段为客户提供数字普惠金融创新模式。该行坚持普惠金融定位,让金融服务覆盖小微企业、个体工商户,着力解决中小微企业“融资难”问题。同时,该行还采用技术手段,进行数字化风控、智能化审批,提高效率,解决“融资慢”的问题。  新冠肺炎疫情发生后,富民银行认真贯彻落实党中央决策部署,在
在“十四五”规划开局、开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程之际,中央一号文件发起了全面推进乡村振兴的总动员。文件提出要坚持把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重,把全面推进乡村振兴作为实现中华民族伟大复兴的一项重大任务。在今年的全国两会上,习近平总书记到团组时多次强调,要推进城乡区域协调发展,全面实施乡村振兴战略,实现巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接。  铜梁区委、区政府坚决贯彻落实党中央
2021年是中國共产党成立100周年。  在庆祝中国共产党百年华诞的重大时刻,在“两个一百年”奋斗目标历史交汇的关键节点,全党集中开展党史学习教育正当其时,意义重大而深远。  正如习近平总书记在党史学习教育动员大会上强调的,“全党同志要做到学史明理、学史增信、学史崇德、学史力行,学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局,以昂扬姿态奋力开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,以优异成绩迎接建党一百周年。”  回
近日,中国人寿重庆市分公司(以下简称“重庆国寿”)发布年度社会责任白皮书,全面展示了重庆国寿与时代同发展的责任担当。  建設“铁堡垒” 党建引领展新貌  重庆国寿持续强化党建引领,推动党建工作与公司治理深度融合,将党建优势转化为发展优势,有力推进公司发展迈上新台阶。全年实现总保费收入121.24亿元,同比增长10.55%。  重庆国寿党委带头强党建、抓落实,全面推动从严治党治司,充分发挥把方向、管
2月18日,春节后上班第一天,市委理论学习中心组(扩大)举行学习会,专题学习习近平总书记在中央政治局第二十七次集体学习时的重要讲话精神。市委书记陈敏尔主持会议并讲话。他强调,要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记重要讲话精神,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,更加注重从全局谋划一域、以一域服务全局,深入抓好中央巡视反馈意见整改落实,推动我市“十四五”时期发展开好局、起好步。  市委副書记、市长唐良智,市人大常委