WO_3 Anodic Oxide Film——I.Electrochromism and Auto-bleaching mechanism

来源 :Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:spaceturtle
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Electrochromic and auto-bleaching processes at the WO2 anodic film in 0. 5 mol/L H2SO4 solution were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, a. c. impedance technique and photocurrent spectrometry. The colouration mechanism consists of hydrogen adsorption on the WO2 surface and the transport of H atoms in the WO, lattice. The bleaching process involves at least two steps: transport of interstitial H atoms and hydrogen desorption on the W surface, resulting in interstitial H+ ions; then extration of the H+ ions driven by the external electric field. The auto-bleaching arises from the hydroxylation due to both partial interstitial H atoms and a little of water contained in the film. Electrochromic and auto-bleaching processes at the WO2 anodic film in 0.5 mol / L H2SO4 solution were investigated by cyclic voltammetry, ac impedance technique and photocurrent spectrometry. The colouration mechanism consists of hydrogen adsorption on the WO2 surface and the transport of H atoms in the WO, lattice. The bleaching process involves at least two steps: transport of interstitial H atoms and hydrogen desorption on the W surface, resulting in interstitial H ions; then extration of the H ions traveling by the external electric field. The auto- bleaching arises from the hydroxylation due to both partial interstitial H atoms and a little of water contained in the film.
七、武昌城 黄埔得深造 东湖畔 仗义结高朋 周维炯和漆德玮,在开封逗留了半个月,11月初到武汉进入黄埔军校分校学习。 当时的武汉三镇,沉浸在一片胜利的喜悦之中,满街都是革
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