
来源 :中共沈阳市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gongpeng
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经济学家周叔莲在《经济管理》第5期发表题为《将国企改革进行到底》的文章。文章指出,不能胡乱套用私有化概念。文章说,深化国有企业改革要以调整所有制结构为前提,尤其是调整国有经济布局必须大力发展非国有经济。一些地方深化国有企业改革困难重重,同非国有经济不发达有关。如何促进非国有经济健康迅速发展,理论上的争论也仍很尖锐。有人引经据典说国有经济非国有化就是私有 Zhou Shulian, an economist, published an article entitled “Carrying Out the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in the End” in Economic Management No. 5. The article pointed out that the concept of privatization can not be arbitrarily applied. The article said: Deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises should be based on the premise of adjusting the ownership structure. In particular, we must vigorously develop non-state-owned economy in order to adjust the layout of the state-owned economy. In some places, it is very difficult to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and is related to the underdevelopment of non-state-owned economy. How to promote the healthy and rapid development of the non-state-owned economy remains controversial in theory. It has been quoted by some as saying that the non-nationalization of state-owned economy is private
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