Evidence-based medical oncology and interventional radiology paradigms for liver-dominant colorectal

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cs19890126
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Colorectal cancer metastasizes predictably, with liver predominance in most cases. Because liver involvement has been shown to be a major determinant of survival in this population, liver-directed therapies are increasingly considered even in cases where there is(limited) extrahepatic disease. Unfortunately, these patients carry a known risk of recurrence in the liver regardless of initial therapy choice. Therefore, there is a demand for minimally invasive, non-surgical, personalized cancer treatments to preserve quality of life in the induction, consolidation, and maintenance phases of cancer therapy. This report aims to review evidence-based conceptual, pharmacological, and technological paradigm shifts in parenteral and percutaneous treatment strategies as well as forthcoming evidence regarding next-generation systemic, locoregional, and local treatment approaches for this patient population. Colorectal cancer metastasizes predictably, with liver predominance in most cases. Because liver involvement has been shown to be a major determinant of survival in this population, liver-directed therapies are increasingly considered even in cases where there (limited) extrahepatic disease. Unfortunately, these patients carry a known risk of recurrence in the liver regardless of initial therapy choice. Therefore, there is a demand for minimally invasive, non-surgical, personalized cancer treatments to preserve quality of life in the induction, consolidation, and maintenance phases of cancer therapy. This report aims to review evidence-based conceptual, pharmacological, and technological paradigm in parenteral and percutaneous treatment strategies as well as forthcoming evidence regarding next-generation systemic, locoregional, and local treatment approaches for this patient population.
目的:   1.翻译并修订银屑病耻辱感体验问卷(Feeling of stigmatization ofpsoriasis FSQ),研究建立适合我国银屑病患者病耻感的测量工具。   2.从社会人口学特征、患病
《煤炭加工与综合利用》第二届编委会于1989年7月26日在北京召开。 1.会议议定本刊由原中国煤炭加工利用协会与选煤设计研究院主办,改为由能源部节能司、中国煤炭加工利用协
布隆伯格通讯社 (Bloomberg)【2002年10月报道】近日 ,美国联邦通讯委员会 (FCC)发布了一项命令 ,不允许美国第二大卫星电视公司EchoStarCommunicationsCorp.和第一大卫星电视公司HughesElec tronicsCorp. Bloomberg [Reported in October 2002]
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