Development of a concentration method for detection of tobacco mosaic virus in irrigation water

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nanshixujie
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Tobacco mosaic virus(TMV) causes significant yield loss in susceptible crops irrigated with contaminated water. However, detection of TMV in water is difficult owing to extremely low concentrations of the virus. Here, we developed a simple method for the detection and quantification of TMV in irrigation water. TMV was reliably detected at concentrations as low as 10 viral copies/μL with real-time PCR. The sensitivity of detection was further improved using polyethylene glycol 6000(PEG6000, MW 6000) to concentrate TMV from water samples. Among the 28 samples from Shaanxi Province examined with our method, 17 were tested positive after virus concentration. Infectivity of TMV in the original water sample as well as after concentration was confirmed using PCR. The limiting concentration of TMV in water to re-infect plants was determined as 102 viral copies/mL. The method developed in this study offers a novel approach to detect TMV in irrigation water, and may provide an effective tool to control crop infection. However, detection of TMV in water is difficult due to extremely low concentrations of the virus. Here, we developed a simple method for the detection and quantification of TMV The sensitivity of detection was further improved using polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000, MW 6000) to concentrate TMV from water samples. Among the 28 samples from Shaanxi Province examined with our method, 17 were tested positive after virus concentration. Infectivity of TMV in the original water sample was well as after was was using PCR. The limiting concentration of TMV in water to re-infect plants was determined as 102 viral copies / mL. The method developed in this study offers a novel approach to detect TMV in irrigation water, and may provide an effective tool to control crop infection.
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