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审议《广东省政务公开条例》是省十届人大常委会十九次会议的一项重要议程。7月29日下午,会议以赞成51票、弃权1票、反对2票的结果,通过了该条例,并决定于2005年10月1日起施行。该条例的通过,意味着那些曾经为老百姓所统称为“政府的事”的政务信息,将通过公布栏、电子屏幕、网络等渠道走进寻常人家的生活,对促进和规范政务公开工作,保障公民、法人和其他组织的知情权,加强对行政权力的监督,推进依法行政,具有十分重要的意义。推行政务公开是党中央、国务院作出的一项重要战略决策,是增强政府职 The deliberation of the “Regulations on the Open Administration of Guangdong Province” is an important agenda for the 19th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 10th Provincial People’s Congress. On the afternoon of July 29, the meeting adopted the ordinance in favor of 51 votes, 1 abstention, 2 votes against it and decided to go into effect on October 1, 2005. The passage of the ordinance means that government information once called “government affairs” by the common people will flow into the lives of ordinary people through bulletin boards, electronic screens and networks, and will be of great help in promoting and standardizing open government affairs , Guaranteeing the citizens, legal persons and other organizations the right to information, strengthening the supervision of administrative power and promoting the administration according to law are of great significance. To promote the openness of government affairs is an important strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, which is to enhance government posts
在美国伊利诺伊州的哈佛镇,有群孩子经常利用课余时间到火车上卖爆米花。一个10岁的小男孩,也加入了这一行列。他除了在火车上叫卖外, In Harvard, Illinois, a group of ch
对于毛针织企业来说,夏季是一个不可逾越的销售屏障。然而,“开顺”经过几年的市场调查和技术攻关,终于在日前打开这种僵局。 For wool knitting enterprises, the summer i
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