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  The Maya civilization is a Mesoamerican civilization,noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its spectacular art, monumental architecture, and sophisticated mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Preclassic period, many of these reached their apogee of development during the Classic period ,and continued throughout the Post classic period until the arrival of the Spanish. At its peak, it was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world.
  ■ Pyramids and temples
  Often the most important religious temples sat atop the towering Maya pyramids, presumably as the closest place to the heavens.While recent discoveries point toward the extensive use of pyramids as tombs, the temples themselves seem too rarely,more over they are used to blazon forth of their stateliness. Residing atop the pyramids,some were over two-hundred feet.The temples were impressive and decorated structures themselves.Commonly topped with a roof comb,or superficial grandiose wall, these temples might have served as a type of propaganda.As occasionally the only structure to exceed the height of the jungle, the roof combs atop the temples were often carved with representations of rulers that could be seen from vast distances. Beneath the proud temples sat the pyramids that were, ultimately, a series of platforms split by steep stairs that would allow access to the temple.
  ■ Hieroglyphic
  One of the greatest shows of Mayan artistic ability and culture is the hieroglyphic stairway located at Copan. The stairway is an iconographical complex composed of statues, figures, and ramps in addition to the central stairway ,which together portray many elements of Mayan society. Every kind of forms is present as well as many pictorial references of sacrifice and their gods. More importantly than all the imagery captured with in this monument, however, is the history of the royal descent depicted in the hieroglyphs and various statues.
  ■ Writing tools
  Although the archaeological record does not provide examples,Maya art shows that writing was done with brushes made with animal hair and quills. Codex-style writing was usually done in black ink with red highlights, giving rise to the Aztec name for the Maya territory as the "land of red and black".
  ■ Mathematics
  Mayan numerals in common with the other Mesoamerican civilizations,the Maya used a base 20 and base 5 numbering system. Also,the pre-classic Maya and their neighbors independently developed the concept of zero by 36 BC. Inscriptions show them on occasion working with sums up to the hundreds of millions of dates so large it would take several lines just to represent it.They produced extremely accurate astronomical observations;their charts of the movements of the moon and planets are equal or superior to those of any other civilization working from naked eye observation.
  The art of the Maya, as with every civilization, is a reflection of their lifestyle and culture.The art was composed of delineation and painting upon paper and plaster, carvings in wood and stone, clay and stucco models. However, Mayan culture disappeared suddenly and mysteriously. The accurate reasons of its disappearance have not been found by archaeologists.Some scholars thought that the Maya were overpopulated and they overexploited their environment and millions of them died. That is to say,heavily-polluted environment led to this catastrophe. What sorts of lessons can be drawn from the Maya collapse?
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