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当代高校中文教学应该结合专业特点及学生特点来设置有针对性的教学模式,让学生能够在专业能力、审美趣味、学习思维、道德品质方面都有所进步,这也是对高校人才培养的最优化路径,应该成为未来高校中文专业教学改革的重要方向。以高校中文系所开展的“读研写演”审美体验过程为例,探索了高校在中文教学模式建构中的关键创新要素,并加以例证。 Chinese teaching in contemporary universities should be based on professional characteristics and student characteristics to set targeted teaching mode, so that students can improve their professional ability, aesthetic taste, learning thinking, moral quality, which is also the optimization of personnel training in colleges and universities The path should be an important direction for the teaching reform of Chinese majors in universities in the future. Taking the course of aesthetic experience of “Reading, Writing and Writing” conducted by the Department of Chinese Language and Culture in Colleges and Universities as an example, this paper explores and illustrates the key innovative elements in the construction of Chinese teaching mode at colleges and universities.
The influences of volume fraction and particle size of SiC particulate reinforcements on the corrosion characteristics of SiCp/2024 Al metal matrix composites i
由湖北省铸造学会、《铸种铸造及有色合金》杂志社、《现代铸铁》杂志社和模具技术国家重点实验室共同举办的“铸造生产关键技术及铸件出口研讨会”于 2 0 0 2年 5月 2 2~ 2 4
试样以盐酸和双氧水分解、用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铬。介绍测试的试剂与仪器、分析步骤、结果与讨论。 The sample is decomposed with hydrochloric acid and hydrogen p
一、国外国有资产管理的成功经验 (一)中央和地方的产权关系明确。西方多数国家的国有资产基本上都由中央政府代表并负责管理。地方拥有的产权相对较少,而且一般不称国有资
Charles Morris constructs his semiotics on the basis of scientific empiricism. The latter is the combination of three schools of thought, namely, formalism, emp
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一、地下水资源存在的主要问题 l、水资源量匮乏 郾城县地处河南中部,气候属亚热带向暖温带过渡地带,地下水主要来源于大气降水入渗和河道、坑塘渗漏补给,多年平均降雨量为8